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Elsa's POV
I let go of my hand from Jack's face.
"I should really go now..To eat breakfast,wanna come?".
I politely asked.
"Sure why not,Snowflake". He smirked and went to the door.
I blushed and shook my head.
I nodded and we went downstairs to head to the dining room.
"Good morning Elsa". Anna and Kristoff both said in unison.
"Good morning".I greeted them as I sat down on my chair which it's in the middle of the long table.

"Good thing,you just made it on time,Elsa! Their about to serve the foods". Anna explained as she excitedly squeals.
"I'm excited as you are,Anna".I laughed.
"Oh I didn't knew that the Queen is a big eater".He teased then laughed.
Oh my Goodness..I forgot Jack Frost is a teaser..
I look at him and glared at him.
"Are you okay....? Elsa..?".Anna awkwardly asked.
I quickly look back at her.
"I-I'm okay,Anna..Nothing to worry about".I nervously laughed as I side glanced Jack.
"Are you su--". She was cut off when the maids are putting down the foods on the table.
"Woowwwwwww~~~ Look at the chocolate desserts". She drooled and about to reach to grab some chocolates.
"Anna,we must eat our breakfast first then the desserts".
She groaned and pouted.
"Okaayyy fine". She whined.
"Where's Olaf by the way?" I asked with a concern face.
I heard the door opened,I'm guessing it's Olaf and it is.
"Good morning! Sorry I'm late..Sven helped me find my carrot nose.I lost it when i woke up but thanked goodness we found it!".He giggles as he sat down besides Anna.

Jack's POV
Was that a talking snowman?! Yep it is..I didn't made him..I'm still not talented to make that.Could it be..?
I shook my head and watched them happily eating their breakfast as they chat.
A smile was spread across my face.
Seeing them happy makes me happy but at the same time they remind me my family.
I rested my chin on my staff as my legs are crossed together while floating.

Elsa's POV
After we finished our breakfast,I headed to my study room to start my duty again as the Queen.
Jack followed along with me too.
"So..I'm guessing your going to do your duties as the Queen?".He asked with a funny british accent.
I laughed at his british accent.
"Yes,good sir.I shall start my duty after I grab the papers from my drawer of my study table".I playfully said in a funny formal way.
I opened the drawer from my study table and grabbed the papers and placed them on my study table.
"Hey Elsa..? I have something to ask you if you wouldn't mind". He awkwardly asked.
I look at him with a concern look on my face.
"I don't mind at all,Jack.What is it?".
I asked.
"Do you perhaps have...Powers? Because you have an ice dress and it's impossible for someone to wear it unless they have powers and I didn't know you live with a living,talking snowman which it's very cool!".
He said with a amused look.
I forgot to tell him I have powers..
I took a deep breath and let it out.
I look at his pretty cyan eyes.
"Im so so sorry,Jack..I forgot to tell you that I have powers.I was so excited and happy that your back and with that..I forgot..". I look down and placed my hands on the study room.
I can feel the guilt building me up.
"Hey it's okay,Snowflake..You just forgot to tell me that.I forgive you so cheer up okay?". He tried to cheer me up.
I look up at him with a small smile.

"Okay then..You know what,let's snow ball fight after this".
He flew around and excitedly yelled.
He flew closed to me like really close as if he's about to kiss me..
We kissed before..But only twice..
Gosh I want to kiss him so badly right now..Why your driving me crazy,Jack Frost??
"Yeah that would be awesome!By the way your face is really red right now".
He does a goofy smile then laughs and back away.
I shook my head and looked down.
That was embarrassing...
I grabbed my quill pen to start writing
On the papers that I need to finish.

2 hours later...

Jack's POV
After 2 hours staring at her while she does her work.I starting to feel bored right now..Don't get me wrong I love to stare and admire her beauty but honestly I want to do something fun.
"Jack,you know you can go outside if your feeling bored.I'll be finish after.."
She paused and thought of it.
"Probably another one hour".
Ughhhhhhh.....Another one hour..Seriously??
Hmm..What to do..What to do..
I thought to myself as I did the 'thinking pose'.
I should bring something to her to reduce her stress or that can make her relax..
Oh I know! Flowers!!
That's so intelligent of you Jack Frost.
I praised myself as I grinned like an idiot.
But what flowers should i bring to her..?
What flowers that reduces stresses?
I paused for a minute to think.
Jasmines are also good..
Ughhhh There's alot of flowers!
"Think,Jack Frost..Think.."
I carefully mumbled to myself so I won't disturb her work.
I looked around the room to search something that could help me.
My eyes were landed on a beautiful painting that painted a field of lavenders.
Yes that's it! I should get her some lavenders!
Lavenders also can reduce stresses.
Okay,mission for today is to get Elsa some lavenders!

Elsa's POV
I glanced at Jack who's doing a pose like his thinking.
I put my hand on my mouth to try not to laugh at his cute pose.
He mumbled something but I can't quite hear it.
When he starts to stare at my direction I quickly look on my papers so he won't think that I'm a weird freak staring at him.
"Hey Elsa I'm going to head outside for awhile..I'll be back I promised".
I raised my head to look at him.
"Ah sure..B-be careful!"
I stuttered as I stand a little and went down to sit after.
He nodded and went besides me.
He picks up my braid and peck it.
I blushed.
He looks at me and backs away.
"I-i'm sorry..I don't know what got into me..". He scratched his neck and looks away while blushing.
"Its okay,Jack.I was surprised.."
I giggled.
"I should go..Are you going to be alright by yourself,Snowflake?"
He worriedly asked.
"Don't worry about me,Frosty.I'll be alright by myself".
He sighed in relief.
He opened the window and looks back at me once again.
"Go now,Jack". I said.
"Okay..I love you".
I blushed by his words.
He's so adorable..I want to cuddle him..
"I-I..I love you too".I shyly mumbled.
He chuckled and flew away with his staff.
I watched him flew away until his out of my view.

Jack's POV
I landed on a random forest that is closed to the kingdom.
There was a path so I decided to follow it and see where it leads to.
As I was walking,I heard some footsteps that are coming closer to my direction.
I stopped my track and looked around the area.
When a small figure appered.I quickly closed my eyes and aim it with icicles with my staff.
The small figure yelled.
I opened my eyes and saw...

"Oh that was closed..".The snowman sighed in relief as he fixed his buttons which is the coals.
Its the snowman I saw earlier in the dining room.
"I'm so sorry I hit you with icicles".
I apologized to the snowman.
He chuckled.
"Its okay---"
He stopped and looked at me.
He gasped.
"OH MY GOSHH your Jack Frost,right?? I red your book! Your quite similar to Elsa!wait..Wait..HAVE YOU MET ELSA?!?!?!".
"W-wait..You can see me?". I asked.
"Of course I do!!".
I'm guessing he believed in me because he red about me.
"Why the Guardian of Fun doing here in this forest?" He giggled.
"Ugh..Looking for flowers".
"Ooooohh who is it for?".He excitedly asked.
"Its for..Actually I already met Elsa..And I'm planning to give her some lavenders to reduce her stress from work". I explained.
"I knew it! Oh yeah by the way..I saw you floating in the dining room but...I just pretend like I didn't see you".
"Why..?".I tilted my head at the other side as I asked.
"Oh so I won't cause a scene.I'm a good actor aren't I?".He asked,he pulled out his leaf looking hat and put it back.
"Did that hat just appeared out of nowhere..?". I pointed at his leaf looking hat.
"Oh this..I don't know either".He grabbed his hat from his head and looked at it then laughed.
That was weird..Focus,Jack!Remember your mission.
"What's your name,snowman?".I asked without sounding rude.
"My name is Olaf and I love warm hugs!".Olaf introduced himself.
"Okay nice to meet you,Olaf..But I really need your help right now if..Your not busy".
"Don't worry I'm not busy at all apart from Sven is trying to find me".Olaf mumbled the last part.
"Nothing..Anyway you said you want to give Elsa some lavenders,right?"
He changed the subject and asked.
I nodded in response.
"To reduce her stress".
I nodded again.
"And your finding a place where lavenders grow?"
"Yes" I quickly said.
I just really want to give it to her already..
"Well you came to the right person..Oh wait I'm not a person..I meant SNOWMAN!!"
I laughed.
"There's a field here near somewhere..".
"Really?! Can you help me find it,Olaf?"
"Sure I love helping others!" He said.
"Okay lead the way,captain!".I playfully said.
"Here we go to find the field of lavenders! Me,Olaf the Snowman and Jack Frost the Guardian of fun.To give it to Queen Elsa~~~!". He sang as he lead the way and I followed him.
I chuckled at his funny yet catchy song.
I can't wait to see Elsa's reaction when she sees the flowers.
I hoped she will like it..
I'm feeling a little bit anxious now but excited too.

To be continued...
1789 words

Happy New year guys!!!🎉🎆🎆🎊
Hello 2020 and bye 2019.

Eternity~Jelsa Fanfic[Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin