Chapter 8~ Remerging Quakes.

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe what I had heard her ask. If she was a fan, didn't she know better? I decided not to push it any longer. Then I heard a small 'splash!'

I turned around in the elevator, to see her silently crying. Shit! I probably was too harsh on her, I thought. Her head was hung low, and her face was pink.

"I'm a bloody ass. I'm sorry that I made you cry love," I said gently, lightly putting my hand on her back. I didn't know she was this sensitive.

But when I put my hand on her back, she flinched and jumped. She snapped her head up, and faced me. I immediately pulled my hand away. She wiped away her tears, and rubbed her eyes.

"It's not your fault. I was just thinking of an old friend," She murmured, her eyes glassy. A part of me felt like she was lying to me. She's lying! I thought angrily. She raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think I'm lying? You just said it outloud," She questioned, her aqua eyes turning cold.



She led the way to the pub, through the slightly chilly Chicago air. She opened the door, but didn't bother to prop it open for me. I accidentally walked into the hard glass door. She guffawed, and I remembered what happened earlier.

A wide smirk spread on my face, as soon as she realized what I was thinking about. She scowled, and strided off. I ran after her.

We stopped at the cash register, and Stormie was examining the menu. I figured I'd get something, just in case the Irish boy discovered where I went.

"Ma'am? I'm ready to order," Stormie called out, and a teenage girl came out. She had shoulder length wavy, curly light brown hair. She had lovely round hazel eyes. I read her nametag. It said "Hi, my name's Baylee!" in a mock cheery way.

Stormie scanned Baylee's nametag and she turned white as snow. I wondered why. But she quickly composed herself, and she smiled.

"Well Baylee, I'd like two extra-large Chicago cheese deep-dish, and two extra-large pepperoni and mushroom Chicago deep-dish as well. I would like to also get that to-go large pitcher of Coke," Stormie trailed off on her order.

Blimey, how much does she and her friends eat? Baylee seemed wholly impressed with the order, and ticketed it. Stormie dug through her wallet and threw some twenties down. At least that's what I think it was, being used to the pound notes back home.

I ordered a extra large meat lover's deep dish for Niall, expecting him to be pleased, or I'm eating it and feeding it to the filthy birds outside.

I walked over to the pastry selection, and I started examining the delectables. The red haired girl walked over coolly, as if she was bored. My eyes found the sign of the carrot cake, and a small smile formed on my lips.

"Don't you get tired of carrots after a while, after all your fans keep throwing you carrots, and even throwing themselves at you dressed as carrots? Also, I don't recall you saying that you liked carrots. Just women who ate them," Stormie asked me, coolly, her eyebrows arched. She wants an answer.

I had never really thought of that before. She was right, I had never said before that I LIKED carrots, only women who ate them. I stood there in mid-position, tapping my chin with my finger.

I looked at her. Her physical features reminded me of Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Yes, I've seen it before, but with my sisters.

"You do have a fair point. I guess, maybe after a while, it does indeed get stretched out too far. Maybe I do like carrots, or maybe I don't," I finally stated. She had this quizzical look upon her face. She smirked.

"Then it looks like we have some, company," She smirked, jutting her chin to behind me. I groaned. I just wanted to be left alone, to make new friends goddamm it. "It's not paparazzi," She added, raising an eyebrow.

I turned around to see two little girls, about eight or seven. They had these adorable little smiles plastered on their faces. I straightened up, and put my hands on my hips.

"Is it really you Mister Tomlinson?" One of the two asked me, with wide eyes. I chuckled.

"Please call me Louis. What can I do for you two lovely ladies on this fine evening?" I asked as gentle as possible. I turned around and winked at Stormie. Baylee was leaning over the counter, watching.

"Can you please sign this napkin? Our sister is very sick. We want to make her feel better with a present!" The other little girl asked deliberately, expectantly.

I beamed, and took the small square sheet of paper. Then I fumbled around my pockets. But then Baylee came to the rescue, and handed me a marker. I signed it carefully, and bent down to the girls.

"Here you go ladies, but promise me one thing? And yes, I just said the name of one of my band's songs. The best present you can give any sick lad, is love. Promise me that?" I softly said to them, handing them their napkin. They had the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Thank-You Mister Louis!" The girls chorused, beaming at me, then running off to their families.

I turned around to see Stormie biting her lower lip, staring at the ground sadly. She was holding both of our pies.

Why did she seem so sad? Could this be related to the 'old friend' she was talking about earlier? It remained a mystery as we walked back to the hotel.


I walked Stormie to her hotel door, and she turned around. You could evidently tell that she had been in deep thought the whole time. I stick around Harry often enough to tell.

Then my hotel door opened and lo and behold, there was Niall. He eyed the large pie box in my hands. I nodded, and he snatched the box from my hands, and ran off. The blonde boy has some serious food issues.

She turned to me and smiled. She took a deep breath, and straightened her back. I noticed she and I were the same height. That might be awkward around Niall.

"Thankyou for keeping me company. Have a good night." Stormie thanked me stiffly, before walking into her hotel room.

I walked into my room with my mates, to come across Harry and Liam arguing. That was odd.

What was happening, and why did it occur?


Author's Note:

Sorry if this was a little boring, but it's important. I'll give y'all a very minor sneak peek.

Later on, when things are heated, the "climax", plot whatever you want to call it, the start of Louis' friendship with Stormie is crucial because he's gonna be the only one at the time to be there for her.

There will be around 30-40 Chapters mind you, I'll decide later.

I hope y'all enjoyed the little cliffhanger as usual, and goodnight!


Dani xx

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