'I bought you a coffee?' he said temptingly. Kristina then smiled and sat down, blowing air on the hot paper mug. Just what she needed.

'Thanks,' she said.

'It was pretty cold standing over there today.'

'Then why do you do it?'

'I need the money,' she said, taking a sip of the hot beverage.

'Wouldn't it be easier to get a job at a record store or something?'

'It wouldn't be as much fun,' she smiled.

'And I can't. I'm not an American citizen, and I can't obtain a green card, so I can't work in the States.'

'You're not from here?' Michael asked with surprise in his voice. Kristina looked at him.

'No. I thought you knew from my name?'

'I hadn't really thought about it, no. So where are you from?'

'Denmark. But I've lived here for just about a year and a half, and I plan on living here 'til I finish my degree in about four months.'

'In Europe? Wow. You're far away from home. How come?' Once again, he felt Kristinas body stiffen. He had obviously crossed some sort of line, even though he didn't know what it was about.

'I just needed a change of scenery,' she said without emotion, letting him know not to ask any further.

They sat for a moment taking in the view of the ocean, sneaking looks of each other without the other one noticing.

'So, are you still scared?' Michael then said teasingly.

'I was never scared. I just. Can't. do. It,' she tried to stress.

Michael chuckled and looked straight into her eyes, sending shivers down her spine.

'I think you're scared.'

'Is it so bad that I want to finish college?' Kristina frowned.

'No. But that's not the reason you don't want to do it.'

'Oh, so you think you know me now?' Kristina rolled her eyes, but felt the butterflies fly around in her stomach when she saw that Michael was staring at her intently and took her hand in his in the sand.

'I know that you're scared. I just don't know why.'

She tried to control her breathing and her mind, which was very focused on his hand on top of hers. She fought the desire to intertwine their fingers and instead moved her hand.

'There are so many guitarists out there. It's way safer to try to become a journalist.'

'Mhm,' Michael nodded.

'And the economy is working to the newspapers' advantage? Lots of readers and everything?' Kristina frowned.

'Not exactly, but-'

'And you are secured a job once you graduate? One that pays well?'

'Not, but-'

'Well, I'm giving you a job right now. One you can have for at least two years. Half a year of training with full time payment, and then one and a half years on the road all over the world. You will get to play in front of hundreds of thousands of people and work with other great musicians. And that could lead to many other jobs in the business. Come on, I know you want to. You wouldn't be out here in the rain playing for pennies if you didn't love this.'

'But you could get basically any guitarist you want! And I'm not half as good as any of them,' she tried, looking at him. Her heart was beating fast. Was he actually on the verge of persuading her?

I haven't heard anyone do what you can do. You're unique!' he answered.

'But you've played with Slash!' Kristina tried. Michael just looked at her.

'I know.'

Kristinas inner fangirl was screaming 'He thinks I'm better than Slash! Michael Jackson thinks I'm better than Slash!'. She bought herself some time taking a big sip of her coffee, which was starting to go cold.

'We start rehearsing in two weeks. So what do you say?' Michael smiled at her. Kristina sighed, and was about to give her final answer, when she noticed a young woman approaching her. She was really pretty with long brown curly hair, big eyes and legs for days. Her hips danced around when she walked. She could see Michael observing her with a smirk, and somehow that annoyed her.

'I'm really sorry, Mr. Jackson,' the girl said quietly when she reached them.

'I don't want to bother you... But it is you, right?'

Apparently real fans can see through any disguise. Michael just smiled at her and bit his lip. Kristina felt the anger rise in her when she saw that.

'Yes, it's me. Good eye.'

'Oh my God!' the girl exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands.

'I can't believe it! I'm such a huge fan of yours, I absolutely love your music! Especially the new album. You look... Really hot in the music videos, sorry, short films,' she giggled, batting her eyelashes at him. Kristina rolled her eyes.

'Thanks, you're sweet,' Michael chuckled.

'Would it be too much to ask for an autograph?' she asked with anticipation in her voice.

'Not at all. Do you have a pen?' Michael asked, and the girl handed him both pen and paper with a shaky hand. He gave the now signed paper back, and Kristina couldn't help but notice he had drawn a little heart after his last name. She had never seen one of his autographs like that. Why did she feel jealous?

'Thank you so much, Michael, I love you so much!' the girl said, holding the piece of paper to her heart.

'This is the best day of my life!'

'Haha, don't worry about it,' Michael said as he got up and hugged her. The girl then drew her attention towards Kristina, who was still sitting down.

'Are you his girlfriend or something?' she asked with fake politeness.

Kristina scoffed, and was about to say something when Michael interrupted her.

'No. This is Kristina Jensen. She's the new lead guitarist on my upcoming tour! Aren't you?' he said with a smile and a raised eyebrow, looking down at Kristina.

Kristina saw them both waiting for her answer. She had gotten irritated at Michael interrupting her, and she was positive he was expecting her to answer no. But Kristina rarely did what people wanted her to. So she got up, dusted the sand from her back and said:

'Yes. Yes I am,' as Michael smiled and bit his lip.

Oh dear. What have I gotten myself into now? She thought.  

The tourOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant