Chapter 9: Mandy's Party

Start from the beginning

"Your dad told me how much you love that book. In fact I used to read it when I was a teenager." She smiled, eyeing my book's cover.

"My mother had read it to me since I was very small." I said.

"I had a copy until the fire. A lot of things burnt with it." She said and I froze in confusion, staring of not knowing about any fire. Except that her late husband died in one trying to help people inside as he was a fireman. But I highly doubt it was their house.

"The fire?" I repeated to her.

      She had a fearful look on her face as if she didn't wish to explain it to me. But I think she knew my curiosity wouldn't have stopped. I just stared at her, waiting deeply to know the details. My hair was drying as it is. I was desperate to know.

   "Yeah, when I was thirteen there was a fire. Our house burnt down. Destroying almost everything. And I lost so much. And so did my parents. But the fire traumatized me for years up until I went to college when Christopher was eight months old." She said.

   I smiled sadly, knowing that I stared at her for a while with sadness which is why I removed any tears.

   "But everything is fine with me. I am gone over from that terrorizing night." She looked my way and then I smiled sheepishly.

     I had eventually just gotten up but to go to Christopher's room where his door was. I heard silence in his room. And of course, I was just curious what he was doing.

   "Christopher," I said softly with a knock as I had my eyes shut, feeling guilty but also very resentful about last night. "Please talk to me, Christopher. I'm right out here. Please don't push me away."

     I was practically playing the victim.

   "I'm your little sister, Christopher. Please, talk to me. I just wanna hear you." I was almost about to cry but I took control and made myself strong.

This is all sounding familiar, my subconscious mind told me which I had to block out.

I knocked again, calling his name but now I know he is deliberately avoiding me with his door locked. I imagined him lying on his fresh unmade bed and how he just lie there, with his eyes closed and lost in his emotions breaking lose one at a time.

   How could I let this go on? I don't see what I did that was so wrong? Stopping him from beating up his best friend was all I did. But maybe I should have canceled on Patrick then none of it would have happened. And now I am being ignored by both individuals.

   "Christopher, please just talk to me. I wanna be here for you. Please. I'm sorry your grounded. I'm so sorry...but please...just talk to me." I tried to remain calm before I would cry these thousand of years from my eyes.

     I shook the doorknob which was locked but he just didn't wanna answer.

   "Christopher, I need you." I sobbed, feeling the tears falling for real this time. "I'm your sister... I just need to know if your okay. But I know your angry at me...but I'm sorry about everything."

    Silence remained.

    "I shouldn't have gone out with Patrick." I murmured under my breath which was hard with my tears falling down like crazy.

      I fell to the ground in front of his door on my knees as if I was praying. My heart kept beating so loud I swear it was right by my ears. And I just wanted to cry everything bad I've done. And I just pressed my forehead against his door and still no movement from Christopher. And I just wish he let me talk to him. And last night I heard a very skeptical argument.

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