A red, leather couch with a couple of cracks in it, and a blanket over the back. Usually a brown fleece blanket, but this time a white wool blanket draped over Lust’s legs. She cuddled up with it on the rather very comfortable couch. Bass sat at her feet, Divide sprawled on the floor watching the television.

“What’s on?” Bass asked.

“Myles left Sports Center on for us,” Lust replied, not too interested in it, but unable to watch anything else, really.

“It was my turn to choose and he went for my favor,” Divide said with a grin. He itched at his bare abdomen and Bass let out a sigh.

“I wish we could mess with things like he can,” he said, Lust looking up at him. “I just want to change channels and drink water like Myles can.”

“But that’s boring human stuff,” Divide said, stretching out on the floor. Now that Bass looked down at him, he wasn’t wearing any pants, just underwear. What a strange being Divide was. “We can do whatever.”

“Not whatever, Divvy,” Lust corrected, “We can’t touch people and talk to them like Myles can.”

“Or give people advice without Myles mucking it up with his stupid ways of saying things,” Bass added. “He does like to stutter a lot, too, when in pressured situations. Luckily he didn’t during dinner.”

“There was a part, though, where he was about to,” Divvy said. “I could feel it in my mouth and it was weird…”

“The fact that you just said that,” Lust started, pausing to play with her hair, “is gross and we don’t need to hear you say that ever again. Sorry not sorry.” She pulled her blanket over her chest and snuggled deeper into the couch, watching the argument over the play-by-play best pauses go on.

“Not a problem,” Divide sighed, slowly shutting his eyes and drifting off to sleep. Bass slowly got off the couch and grabbed a pen from his pocket, marking all over his face and snickering as he sat back down.

“You are a child,” Lust giggled. She covered her mouth and looked down at the crudely drawn mustaches on Divide’s face. Family tradition of the others: draw on faces in sleep. When one’ll wake up, the others are instantly yelled at by either the one who was drawn on Myles. This time it would be fun to see Divide freak out in the morning and wake up Myles in time for work.

“I think he deserved it,” Bass said, looking up to Myles as he walked in and sat on the floor in front of Lust. She took her hands out from under the blanket and played with his hair, massaging his temple for him. He hummed and watched Sports Center for a while before going to bed, leaving them all to the television.


“What,” Myles heard from the living room, “The.. Fuck?!” Divide screamed. He heard something be thrown and jolted upright, running from his room to find Divide glaring down Lust and breathing heavily. “You drew on my face? Why would you do that?”

“Divide, calm down,” Myles said. It was 7 in the morning, an hour before Myles had to get dressed for work, and he was not having it. It was cold, and it was tiring, especially to try and calm down the insane one.

“You fucking defaced me! You bitch!” he screamed, raising his arm to hit her. Myles lunged at Divide and grabbed his arms, pulling him back. Lust cried out and curled up into the couch, Bass running in from the other bedroom with Goldfish and Shaky behind him.

“What’s going on, man?” Shaky yelled as Divide and Myles wrestled in the middle of the living room.

“She drew- ah- on my face!” Divide screamed, Myles pulling him back from her. She continued to cry, Goldfish running over to her and helping her jump over the back of the couch. She grabbed onto him and he led her to the kitchen, keeping her from him.

The Catalina Touch Effect (NaNoWriMo2014)Where stories live. Discover now