Exes and Messes

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Arabella was laying down in her bed

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Arabella was laying down in her bed. There was minimal sunlight shining through the window and a cool breeze blowing throughout the room. Arabella slowly blinks her eyes open, only to see Hardin sitting at the edge of her bed. She was confused as to how he even got in and why he was just sitting there.

"What are you doing here?" Arabella questions softly. Hardin doesn't answer, he simply lays his palm on her right cheek and caresses the skin with the pad of his thumb. Arabella grabs his hand in hers, and closes her eyes in peace for a second.

Hardin grabs her hand and trails it down her body. Arabella's breath hitches as Hardin takes both of their hands and slides them across Arabella's thigh. Hardin lets go of her hand and takes over, lifting her shirt up and hooking his fingers in the band of her underwear to pull them down. Arabella lifts her body slightly off of the bed so that Hardin could remove her underwear.

Hardin traces the soft skin around her heat, teasing her before actually sliding a finger down her core. Arabella sucks in a sharp breath, keeping eye contact with Hardin. Hardin slips two cool fingers into Arabella's hot core, causing Arabella to shut her eyes in bliss. Hardin moves his fingers in and out at an extremely slow pace, leaving Arabella writhing in want. Hardin leans his face down closer to Arabella's, appearing to be going in for a kiss when he whispers something instead.

"What are you dreaming about?"

Arabella awakens with a sharp gasp. She looks around her room to see that Hardin wasn't in there, and that it was still dark. She looked over at her alarm clock to see that it was 5:00 am and that everything she just experienced was all a dream. Arabella sighed and closed her eyes, trying her best to go back to sleep.
It was 1:00 pm when Arabella had woken up officially. She was still reveling in the dream she had about Hardin but she was also determined to forget about it. She was greeted by the sight of Felicity sitting on her bed and eating cup noodles, whilst scrolling through her twitter feed.

"Well good afternoon , Babybel." Felicity greets Arabella using the stupid nickname she made for her. Arabella thought it was kinda annoying, though she also knew it wouldn't sound right coming from anyone's mouth but Felicity's.

"Good afternoon. I didn't expect to sleep in that much." Arabella said. Getting out of bed.

"Eh, don't sweat it too much. It's only Sunday." Felicity says. Arabella yawns and walks over to her closet. She pulls out some clothes for the day and her shower bag before heading to the bathroom. Arabella takes a shower, the water all the way turned up. The hot water was releasing all of the stress and built up tension from the night before. Arabella couldn't believe that she allowed herself to be fooled so easily. Of course Hardin didn't date and he only wanted one thing from her.

She still felt stupid for giving in and kissing him in the lake. She could've prevented everything that happened, but she didn't. Arabella lets out a deep breath before turning off the shower. She drys herself off as much as she can in that confined space before getting dressed in a black and white striped tank, with blue skinny jeans, a Gucci belt and a white cardigan. Arabella pairs the outfit with brown heeled-boots. Arabella puts on deodorant and perfume, before heading to the sinks to brush her teeth and do her hair and makeup.

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