Pride and Prejudice

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************************************************Arabella's alarm rang loudly through the dorm room and she rolled over to turn it off

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Arabella's alarm rang loudly through the dorm room and she rolled over to turn it off. Arabella sighed as she stared at the ceiling for a good five minutes, absolutely dreading getting up. She looked over to Felicity's bed to see that she was not there, and could only assume she had crashed at the frat house last night. Arabella got out of bed and headed to her closet. She chose a maroon shirt that sort of tied at the sleeves, black boot cut jeans, maroon ankle boots, and a thin black choker. Arabella headed to the shower room and this time, she brought along a clear waterproof zip up bag to put her clothes in so they wouldn't get wet.

After her shower, Arabella quickly dried off, dressed herself, put deodorant and perfume on and brushed her teeth. She headed back to her room and began to blow dry her hair and curl it. After it was met to her standards she did her makeup with a light blush red eyeshadow, red lipstick, mascara, eyeliner and highlight. When Arabella felt she looked presentable enough for people to see her, she grabbed her bag and headed out to her first class of that day. Arabella was particularly excited for this class because it happened to be her major and her favorite subject. English.

Arabella always had a passion for well developed stories, poems and passionate books. She even enjoyed writing herself but she's never let anyone see it. While Arabella was walking to her class she saw Tessa and called out to her. Tessa turns around and smiles at the kind girl she's already growing fond of.

"Hey Belle." Tessa greets the girl as they walked side by side.

"Hey. What class you headed to this morning?" Arabella asks.

"English." Tessa answers. Arabella's face lights up.

"Me too. I really hope we're in the same class." Arabella links her arm through Tessa's as they both begin walking inside of the building.

The two girls walk into a class and look at each other with big grins on their faces knowing that they in fact, had the same class. As the girls walk into the room with their arms linked, they earn glances from Molly and Zed. Zed didn't pay much thought to it but Molly was glaring the two down. Arabella and Tessa find two seats by Landon and instantly smile at him. All three were happy to have yet another class with each other.

"Hey." Landon greets the girls.

"Hi." Tessa says.

"Heyyy." Arabella greets.

"I'm glad I'm not the only freshman in this class." Landon says. Tessa and Arabella nod in agreement.

"Yeah. That'd be sad to have to suffer through class without us." Arabella smiles cheekily. Tessa and Landon laugh. The professor then walks in and begins to speak.

"All right folks, let's get started. Jane Austen's masterpiece. Who here has read Pride and Prejudice?" Professor Soto asks. Arabella, Tessa, Landon and a few other people raise their hands.

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