The Secret Meetup

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••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Hardin and Tessa had hung out at Blind Bob's for a little while, before hanging in her door room

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Hardin and Tessa had hung out at Blind Bob's for a little while, before hanging in her door room. Luckily for them both, Steph wasn't there. It's not like they did anything, but it'd still rise up unwanted questions and suspicion to see the two very different people spending time together.

"We have to keep this a secret you know. Even if it is innocent, we can't let anyone know we've hung out." Hardin speaks up. Tessa looks at him before nodding hesitantly.

"I know. I wouldn't want my boyfriend finding out I'd been spending time with another guy, he'd think something was up and that's not good for either of us." Even though she had said that, she couldn't help but wonder if Hardin was maybe what she needed to finally experience more of what life has to offer. She felt special when she spent time with him. Unbeknownst to her though, Hardin didn't feel the same way.

"That's exactly why we shouldn't tell anyone." Hardin agrees. But little did Tessa know, Hardin's real reason for the secrecy of their new found "connection" was Arabella. Hardin didn't want her to know that him and Tessa had talked and spent time together almost all day, after she {Arabella} had shot him down, because he didn't want to ruin anyone chance that he could possibly have with her.

"Well I've got to get going but I'll see you later Tess." Hardin says before getting up from her bed and walking towards the door.

"Later." Tessa smiles lightly at him before he closes the door. She throws herself back on her bed and sighing in content.

As Hardin closed the door, he looked left and right to make sure no one was in the hall and had seen him exiting Steph's room. Unknowing to him, Steph, Tristan, Felicity, and Molly were at the end of the hall and had seen the whole scene. All four sent knowing looks to each other, but Steph and Felicity held faces of disappointment towards Hardin, Tristan held a sympathetic face, and Molly held a cruel smirk on hers. It was obvious the four girls knew something about Hardin that no one else did.
Sooooo, this was pretty much a filler chapter, and to basically explain the situation with Hardin and Tessa so when the next chapter comes, you won't be left wondering what the heck happened and why they were hanging out. Also what's Hardin's deal with Tess and what do Molly, Steph, Tristan, and Felicity know? 👀

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