Raph pointed out.

"Then let's move"

Leo ordered as they followed the scream, they soon landed on top of the roof and was in shock to see Karai chained up dangling on the edge of the roof and Jade was holding on to the chain leaning towards the edge.

"Jade what are you doing?"

"Karai and I became acquainted, she said things that really got my blood boiling. She said 'Yeah Leo and I had a thing going. He wanted me or else why would he follow me?'"

Jade said with a dry laugh.

"Jade your not thinking clearly"

Leo said walking closer to her.

"Actually, I wanted to test your love. Who would you save first, me or your precious Karai? Your actions will determine your love"

She said freezing Raph, Donnie and Mikey.

"I never thought you would sink this low"

"And I never thought you would drive me mad. So let the games begin in 3.....2.....1"

Jade let go of the chain causing Karai to fall and for herself to fall at the same time. Leo gasp as he quickly made a decision. Jade made it to the bottom landing swiftly as she stared at the ground in shock.

'He saved Karai'

Jade didn't bother to look back at the roof and unfreeze the three brothers. Raph took a deep breathe and saw Leo holding Karai.

"Are you insane?!"

Raph yelled at Leo.

"It was a test and you failed!"

"What are you talking about?"

He asked.

"Jade told us of her plan to see if you still love her, so she put herself and Karai in a situation on which you have to choose and you choose Karai"

Donnie explained.

"You didn't care to save Jade"

Mikey said. Leo frown.

"But I..."

"Thank you, Leo"

Karai said with a gentle smile to Leo who slightly blushed.

"You should come stay with us"

He automatically suggested.

"Under the sewers, I don't think so"

"No we actually have a new home now"

"Um Leo, I don't think you should..."

Mikey said trying to intervene but Leo cut him off.

"Don't worry the others will welcome you with open arms"

Raph walked to spot where Jade fell and looked down to see her walking down the sidewalk. He shook his head as he jumped down and walked beside her.


He said after a moment of silence.

"What do you want Raph?"

Jade asked quietly keeping her eyes on the ground.

"You're not planning to kill yourself right?"

Jade let out a dry laugh.

"This isn't funny"

Jade remained quiet with a smirk on her face.

"What, you thought because I'm so depress it would lead me to suicide?"

"It's how I met, Summer"

Raph said seriously. Jade stop and look to Raph in surprise.

"But Summer said she met you on top of a roof, one night"

"She left out the part on what she was doing on the roof. So listen, if you need someone to talk I'm here and Summer is the only one who understands the road your taking"

Jade let out a sad sigh.

"I thought he would rescue me"

"I thought so too"

"You know you kind of figured me out about the whole suicide thing because it was running through my mind"


Raph said.

"I lost the baby"

Raph's eyes open wide at the news.

"What? How?"

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