Dentist (Chapter 2)

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Around 9 A.M

I swear to god I am never going back to that dentist…

Now why should I even bother to go to a dentist, that literally flirts with every god damn, assistant that walks in his path…He’s not even good looking, he looks like a freaking potato…I have been going to see his ass for like forever now. Bitch, please... I rather rip out my own tooth, and then have you mess up and pull out the wrong tooth. Now I’m not say he did that, but it’s just a precognition…Anyways, I was at the dentist on the 7th, getting my cavities filled, and his ass over here, freaking moves the needle, because he’s flirting with the assistant. Do I look like a practice doll? 


And then he put this metal thing around my tooth, and he couldn’t get it off after…

Dear Mr. whatever the frick your name is….

I hate you…

I feel like I’m giving children nightmares by writing this.

Btw, asshole,

You told me the medication would wear off in 2 hours…

5 ½ hours later...

If you don’t know how long it takes for the meds to wear off, you should probably quit…

God, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I’m done with you. You’re dumb. Stop you’re, embarrassing yourself…

By the way,

I have another appointment with him on the 20th.

I’m going die this time…

I already know it…

My Life StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora