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Amelia wiped the back of her hand across her moist brow and surveyed what had been accomplished in the cabin so far this morning. Between her, Bobby, and Uncle Theo, they had scrubbed floors, washed down walls, and cleaned the windows. Uncle Theo had wandered off into the thicket of trees not far from their cabin to cut wood for their fireplace. They'd all been busy, even Gracie who helped out where she was needed. Not to mention Duke who'd ridden into town to the general store to buy them some supplies.

Tears of happiness stung her eyes. She had dreamed of living a life free of people like the Stones, where she could be the woman she wanted and meet loving people with kind hearts. She didn't know how to thank Mr. Forester for telling them about this cabin and helping them to become tenants.

She was very happy that the cabin provided them enough room. She and Gracie would share a bedroom, and Theo would sleep in the kitchen, and Bobby would sleep in the large front room. This place was made for them.

The noise of the wagon pulling up in front of the house had her giddy with excitement. Duke is back!

She stepped beside Theo and tapped him on the shoulder. When he met her gaze she signed that Duke had returned. He nodded and moved toward the door as she followed. When they walked outside, Duke was already moving things off the back of the wagon. Bobby rushed up to the wagon to help.

Amelia hurried to the wagon and lifted a smaller box. Duke looked at her and smiled. Her wildly beating heart told her that it would take her a long time to get over him.

"Thank you, Duke. You don't know how much I appreciate your help. I don't know what we would have done without you."

"It was my pleasure to help you all." He glanced at Bobby who was taking a box into the house before Duke's attention moved back to her. "We need to talk. Privately."

"Why?" Her heartbeat stilled.

"I'd rather not tell you here. Let's wait until we can get everything in the cabin." He lifted a box and walked ahead of her.

"Duke, you're worrying me. What is it?" She hurried behind.

"Well, I can tell you one thing. Spruce Hill has some very generous people. I talked to the store owner where I purchased these supplies, and she is going to find people who can donate some furniture and anything else you'll need."

His words shocked her and briefly immobilized her limbs. She stumbled but quickly righted herself before she fell and dropped the box she was carrying. "You must be jesting. People will do that for strangers?"

He chuckled. "I'm happy to report that there are quite a few generous people in this world. I'm sorry you had to be raised by the Stones who don't know the meaning of giving."

She nodded. "Since meeting you, I've seen a whole different world."

She hadn't meant to say such things to him, and while she was sighing with happiness. Yet, happiness grew in her heart and she couldn't contain it.

Once inside the cabin, they placed the boxed on the floor. Bobby and Uncle Theo had just walked out to bring in more boxes. Gracie was taking a nap on the floor in their new bedroom. Even though it would only be a moment, at least she and Duke were alone. She had to show him her appreciation before her chest burst.

She quickly stepped to him and threw her arms around him, hugging him. "Thank you, Duke... for everything."

His arms tightened around her and he buried his face in her neck. Warm tingles shot all over her, and she cherished the feeling. She turned her face and kissed the side of his head. Immediately, his head lifted and he pressed his lips against hers. She couldn't stop the fireworks exploding inside her heart, making her love this man even more.

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