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Amelia tried to be brave the next morning, and although she tried to make everyone think she was handling having a thief in their midst, inwardly, she was frightened to death. The man's hair was too straggly, and his beard was too long and unkempt. His hat rode low on his forehead, which kept her from really seeing his eyes. Then again, maybe it was good that she couldn't see his eyes because that would scare her even more. It was bad enough that she actually felt him watching her as she quickly prepared breakfast.

Thankfully, Duke was with them, protecting them – and comforting her fears. She hadn't trembled so much from fear since before she left the orphanage. Yet, having Duke's arm around her as she pressed her face against his chest was more comforting than she had ever suspected.

Gracie stood close to Amelia, clutching her dress like it was the little girl's security blanket. Between Duke and Theo, they kept a close watch on the bandit. When Duke returned to the campfire, he gave Gracie a reassuring smile and patted her head.

Amelia loved how attentive Duke was, not only to her but to Gracie. Indeed, he was their protector in all aspects of the word.

"How are you doing?" Duke asked her, touching her arm.

"I'm much better than I was last night." She spoke in quiet tones, not wanting Gracie to know that she was scared, too.

"When we head to Spruce Hill, I'll keep his hands tied with the rope, and I'll make the thief walk the rest of the way."

Frowning, she glanced at the tree there Theo stood, watching over the stranger. "Do you think he'll be able to make it that far?"

Duke chuckled as he squeezed her arm gently. "My dear, Amelia, you forget that the man was on foot when I found him trying to steal our horse. I'm sure he'll be just fine walking."

She laughed uncomfortably. "True." She turned back to the oatmeal she was cooking over the fire. "Do you think I should give him something to eat to keep up his strength?"

Duke's calloused hand cupped her chin, turning her face toward his. Her pulse increased from his tender touch, but it was his mesmerizing gray eyes that made her knees weak. He had such a kind smile.

"Amelia, I don't think I've ever met a kinder woman. I haven't been studying you for very long, but already I know that you put other people's needs before your own."

Her face heated from his complement, and although it was embarrassing to have a man say such kind words, she couldn't look away. His gaze had captured hers.

"I... I..." Her mouth grew dry and she swallowed hard. "I've never had anyone tell me that before."

His smile softened as he caressed her cheek lightly before dropping his hand. "Well, it's the truth. You are indeed a kindhearted woman."

Tears burned her eyes, so she blinked to keep hold them back. "Thank you, Duke."

"And," he moved a little closer, sliding his arm around her waist loosely, "I never did get the chance to thank you for helping me last night."

He must not realize what he did to her when he was touching her like this, or gazing into her eyes with so much tenderness. She really should push him away and remind him that she really was a lady, and this type of affection was not allowed since they didn't really know each other well. Unfortunately, once she stared into his eyes, she couldn't move. She didn't want to.

"I... I don't know what made me go out to help you."

"I'm sure you were inspired somehow. Maybe God was prompting you to assist me."

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