Chapter 16 | Sedated |

Start from the beginning

"Why?" Emma asks quickly.

"What kind of an investigation?" Kay asks nearly at the same time.

"It's required anytime there is an injury on campus. They'll want to find the cause and make sure they're not liable. Typically they wrap up rather quickly, a statement is taken and then it's over."

"Why?" Emma asks again.

"The University has to look for structural issues- chips in stairs, unsalted sidewalks... Or tracking down who provided alcohol to an underage student and whether or not that individual is affiliated with any student organizations. In case of a lawsuit, or other legal matters."

"I don't remember falling," Emma says. She closes her eyes and rubs them with her fists. All she can recall is the sound. "I won't have much to say."

"That's not unusual," he assures her. "The University Police will probably stop by sometime today."

"How long will she be staying here?"

"At least tonight." He turns to speak with Emma. "You'll go into surgery first thing in the morning, we'll get your elbow all fixed up, and if you feel up to it you can be on your way."

"Perfect," Emma says.

"Get some rest." He stands from his seat. "Don't hesitate to call for a nurse if you need anything."

In a matter of minutes, after he leaves the room, she's asleep again. The conversation had been exhausting and very confusing for her. It's overstimulation. The information comes quicker than she can absorb it.

She doesn't wake up again until it's lunchtime. She's thirsty. Very thirsty. They bring her a place of lunch with a small orange juice, but it's drained before the nurse leaves the room. Upon the first bite of her sandwich, she realizes she's hungry as well. It had been well over 24 hours since she'd had anything to eat.

She eats, or devours really, her meal without a word. She leans back against her mattress when she remembers her mother is there. "You feeling better?" The older woman jokes.

"Not really, no." Emma smiles a pained smile. "My whole body hurts and I'm dizzy."

"You've got pain meds for the first part, but, unfortunately, you're going to be dizzy for a while."

Coincidentally, a different nurse from earlier knocks and enters her room. She injects something into her IV and takes her food tray. She feels like a little girl again having her mom help her to and from the restroom. While washing her hands, she catches a look at herself.

It's nothing she hasn't seen before. It's the face of someone who had obviously been out the night before. To be honest- she'd looked worse. At least someone took her makeup off. That's more than she normally did.

Instinctively, her good hand reaches back to run her fingers through her hair. It's oddly tame, someone must have brushed it. She grimaces at a few tender spots but pauses when feels a foreign material on her head. It's on the upper left side of her head, and her hair is parted around it.

"Did they cut my hair?" She croaks to the other side of the door.

"What?" Her mom's response is muffled.

"My hair?" She opens the door. "They shaved off my hair."

"Well yeah," Kay responds. "It would be unsanitary if they didn't. It's standard for stitches."

"Fuck," Emma sighs. She returns to her bed. She waits for her mom's assistance before trying to lay back down. She hates feeling so dependent. One wrong move and she's crying out from the pain in her arm.

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