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Listen to : uncover by Zara Larson
                (Edward POV)

       I have always hated the fact that I was short sighted and had to wear glasses but what I hated the most was having to switch my glasses for contacts every time I needed to play basketball. So I was mildly annoyed standing alone in the smelly school bathroom taking off my contact lenses.
    The ringing tune I had fixed for Lola pierced through the silence of the bathroom although I was taking off my contacts, I knew I would not have picked up the phone even if I was done because I don't speak in bathrooms.

   My family often called me wierd as a joke but I know I am somewhat wierd if not why else would I hate public bathrooms so much that I never speak when I am in there, when most people even excused themselves to go to the bathrooms to make calls. I had ignored Lola's call so I quickly rushed out of the bathroom so I could meet her or call her back but as soon as I got into the Hall way connecting the boys locker rooms and boys bathroom, I was interrupted by coach Henry.

  "Hey Christopher, help me out with these boxes," he said addressing me by my last name which he does with every guy on the team.

    The basketball coach was covered by a tall stack of cartons which I suspected contained new supplies for the team since this was a new semester. I wonder why he didn't order us to help him with it after practice. Coach Henry was some strange man I swear, on days he should order the team around, he left us alone and on days he knew most of us had things to do– like valentines day– he kept us busy.

     I'm glad I didn't have to work too far because these cartons were so heavy I was sweating and my glasses where slipping down my nose, when we got to the store in the basketball boys locker room, I was already sweating like I had to run laps around the court.

   "Thanks son, those boxes weighed a ton," he said, scratching his beards.

  "Sure Coach."

I was about to leave when he spoke.

"Edward, you have improved a lot playing small foward although I know you hated that position."

    "Uh... I guess you were right then that I had to strengthen myself in playing other parts not just Power forward."

   "Yeah, one of the strengths of a team is being able to cover for each other even if not as well as the original player would have."

   Coach Henry was one of my favorite people at Beachview so even if he could get annoying a lot I liked him. He was an ex basketball player for a small team in Georgia, retired from playing at thirty for reasons I don't know now he coached the basketball team at Beachview high, he has been a coach for ten years now. In Sophomore year, I had played power forward, till a competition had me filling in for a teammate who played Small forward since there were no extras during inter class competition, we lost the game to freshmen and coach had me playing Small forward ever since. In his words ' you all are each other's strength' .

  "I'm sorry for holding you back, you can go."

     It was closing time already and I needed to pick up some books from my locker before I leave school. The school hallway was filled with students busy with random stuffs like taking books from their lockers, gossiping about things they shouldn't be and I could spot some of the school bullies preying on Phil, I knew there would be no physical harm only hurtful words.

    Beachview high was one of the best private high school in San Francisco, but there were still stupid high school practices happening here. I know the hallway guard would spot the bullies soon and punish them but those few seconds of hurtful words would have made it mark on Phil.

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