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                    (Lola's POV)

     Today for the first time in years, instead of dressing down in my usual baggy clothes and putting my hair in plaits, I followed my mom's request and dressed up.
     I usually dress up for family dinner whenever we eat out at one of those five stars beach side restaurant common in San Francisco but the only difference is I was never excited about wearing a dress which was as far as I ever went, I always left my hair in simple plaits, no make up and instead of heels I just wear sneakers.

      The reaction I got from Edward when he entered the house was heartwarming, as he took me in his eyes wandering around my whole body and finally coming to a stop on my face when he complimented me.
     As I thought back through all the fights my mom and I have had over the past two years about my change in style I could not recall any single moment when I ended up obliging to her request and wearing something different excitedly, maybe I'm finally letting myself heal and accept that changing my style would not reduce the pain I still felt whenever I think back at the unfortunate Incident.

      My relationship with Ed has been the best thing in my life since moving from New York, he was different from other rich kid I met, he was never really concerned about popularity like I had once been, he was like a breath of fresh air from the standard I had to uphold when I hung out with other boys at my old school in New York.

    Readjusting the seats of Edward's vintage Ford, I brought out my phone and decided to play candy crush. Edward turned his head to look at me for a moment then turned back to the road; I couldn't help but notice the silence no one wanted to break. The drive to our spot for t the picnic was quiet and comfortable with one direction songs playing, Edward driving with a small smile on his face and me staring at the beautiful hills and landmark we passed but this was a somewhat tense silence and I didn't understand why.

       I turned to stare at Ed also, having his dad's nose and lean body I bet would become more muscular as he grew, but everything else on his face was soft just like the soft features of his mom, thin lips with the bottom lip being slightly Fuller than the top, eyes with baby blues and a full straight lashes that could give a girl a run for her money. Right now as he drove with the soft glow of street light illuminating his side profile I smiled at how good looking he was, but he never flaunted it like other boys would have.

    How handsome the christopher boys are but Jason would use every bit of his good look as an additional charm to get girls where as Edward would try to hide from attention. Fleetingly my mind wandered as I thought how if Edward had decided do use his looks and the fact that he played basketball to get attention instead of being the quiet unpopular boy he is, would we have met or would I still date him.

    I saw that we were already at the club just then Edward said

   "We're here Lola" he said as he tried to look for a good parking spot in the filled lot of the park, he maneuvered the car for a few minutes finally parking at a spot beside a little black Audi.

    Getting out of the car I looked around the club and noticed that despite it being packed, it was not as packed as it usually was and I was a little glad because I didn't want to deal with tons of people from Beachview.

     With my hands in Edward's, we walked towards the stairs of the club, which was decorated with colorful lights matted into the wooden rails of the stairs, the maroon carpet layed on the stairs was already dusty no doubt from the amount of people that has come and gone, the sparkly little balls that were buzzing a Little to the sound of the loud jam coming from the club.

      Adding to the dust on the maroon carpet we stepped into the dance hall where the music was even louder teenagers dancing, some with drinks in their hands and others fully concentrated on dancing alone or with who ever they where with, some where sitting at the bar which only sold mocktails, soda, root beer and cocktail with the tinniest amount of alcohol because of the club was made for teen. Some people lounged at VIP table's in the farthest corner of the club doing God-knows-what.
    Party rock anthem was playing as I dragged Edward to the dance floor. As I danced I recalled the way I was once the queen of the party, always being invited to parties, I was so popular that Lee's friends often invited me to parties with 11th graders. Dancing and letting loose like I haven't done in a long time, I swayed my hair jumping and laughing as Edward left the dance floor to go and sit in an empty VIP stall.
      Dancing to two more songs after that, the dance floor was more crowded than before and I was sweaty and thirsty so I left the dance floor.
     Stopping in front of Edward, I sat down saying a breathy "hi" and he smiled back.

  "I'm thirsty, would you like anything to drink" I asked Ed so I could get a drink from the bar since it wasn't too full.

  "Just get me anything you are getting Bella" Edward said simply. I stood up and walked towards the bar to get a glass of water first because I was thirsty.

        The bar was well lit with big bulbs which enabled you to see all the drinks on the shelf, and allowed you to monitor what the bar man was mixing— the bar man or rather the bar boy caught my attention, he looked oddly familiar and so young I think he could be my age.

  "Hi I'd like to have two bottles of coke" I said to the boy.

   "Coke?, Hmm I have a feeling I should mix you a cocktail if you're up for it".

    "I'm feeling brave today so I'll try it and if I don't like it my drinks are on you" I said and he smiled.

   It felt good to talk to someone else apart from Edward and Chloe this freely. I remember back in new York my friends were often praising me about my great people skills, I used it to get us out of lots of trouble back then but now I'm just trying to get through life with any drama.

   "Okay, I'm done" the bar boy said, I looked up and pushed a stray strand of my hair away and brought the drink up to my lips.

   "OMG! this is so nice" I said truthfully because I enjoyed the burst of citrus from the cocktail.

  "I told you so and this is one of the specials I'm planning for my school's award night so I've been perfecting it" he said his face showing how happy he was that I liked the drink. He was making a second glass when I said

  "I wish it was my school's award night then at least there would have been something good to look forward to"

   "What school do you go to" he asked casually


" Then you are in luck because your school is my school" he said adding a strip of lemon to the rim of the cocktail and pushing it in front of me.

    "That's two drinks for..." He said waiting for my name

  "Lola and you are" I replied asking him for his name

"Christian nice to meet you and see you at school Lola " he said and with that I took the two glass of drinks from the table top and quickly rushed back to Edward to tell him about the great mixologist beachview has that we didn't know about.

   "I'm sorry I took so long but I ended up ordering a cocktail, you won't believe what I just found out" I said pausing for him to say something but he did not reply, I wonder what happened so I did the only sensible thing to do by asking.

       "What's up" he then looked up at me and I saw anger in his eyes before he said

"What's up?, What's up Is that I just watched my girlfriend flirt with another guy "

    He did not just say that .

A/n hello guys, so I stuck to my words of updating once in two weeks this time, please excuse any error i updated in a hurry I'll edit later. Sorry for the cliff hanger see you on 12th August

Question: what's your best pastry?

Mine is any one that has meat.


hanks for reading. 


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