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♡ Liked by xoxogossippeppapig, lee

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cherrymin You said 'date' but we ended up watching movies ... ♡( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

Tagged || @hhwang00

honey.lix how did you come here from heaven, Seungmin?
honey.lix you always make things better
  -hhwang00 agreed.
  -hhwang00 and he looks like an angel
  -honey.lix bc he is 😌
  -cherrymin shut up drama queens just let me be myself
  -honey.lix mean but ily (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 
  -y.jeong attention whores!! @hhwang00 is whipped for Seungmean, spread the word!!
  -cherrymin No no jeongin nO
  -wjinxx just where do you learn this language from? @y.jeong
  -honey.lix CB97 is a good influence, I can tell
  -chris97 thanks Felix~
  -hhwang00 wtf dude you always pop out of nowhere, do you stalk us 24/7?
  -honey.lix h-he rEMEMBERS MY NAME A A A A AHHH
  -cherrymin 3racha always be breaking my best friend 😔
  -hhwang00 I hate that that's true in a different way.
  -honey.lix wait what
  -honey.lix my 2% of 1/2 a brain cell is ded
  -cherrymin I didn't get it either-
  -chris97 Hwang, DMs.

hannnie oh you two look cute.
  -cherrymin ty <3
  -min.hot @hannnie cuter than us?
  -hannnie close enough ?
  -hhwang00 this wasn't about both of you.
  -min.hot we weren't talking to you.
  -cherrymin ....
  -hannnie I'm just gonna yeet away
  -hhwang00 yeah, like you always do after stirring the pot.
  -min.hot leave him alone.
  -hhwang00 I've known him longer, Minho. Just cuz you started dating recently doesn't mean I lose the rights to talk to him.
  -hannnie if you've known me longer, why couldn't you tell? You couldn't tell, Hyunjin. But none of that matters anymore because I'm learning to move on.
  -cherrymin ok enough. take this to your DMs.
  -hannnie and why must I listen?
  -honey.lix I don't wanna jump into this but @hannnie, if Seungmin uses punctuation then it's your cue to run for your life

YIKES  ーchanglixKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat