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honey.lix Going to meet up with the babe (no, not SpearB sadly)

Tagged || @cherrymin

hhwang00 SpearB doesn't want to meet you
-its.seodark said who? That's not true
-honey.lix why u being salty Hyunjin
-its.seodark 'I wanna hang out with lix but he chose to go out when my schedule is packed'
-hannnie I bet he wanted to meet your cherry friend ;D
-honey.lix oh no it's you
-hannnie D: do you like j.one?
-honey.lix ..obviously?????
-hannnie :D
-its.seodark day by day he gets creepier ^

cherrymin I'm your first babe, then comes SpearB 😌
-honey.lix but you put day6 above me!
-cherrymin well.. That's day6!
-honey.lix tHIS IS SPEARB!

min.hot ❤️❤️
-honey.lix stop being so precious suddenly omg
-honey.lix also I love your shampoo
-min.hot wait what
-min.hot it went missing :0 how did you take it?
-honey.lix bribed Hyunjin
-min.hot I knew it was suspicious he wanted to visit at 2 am
-hannnie yo why did the Hwang zero guy go to my baby's house so late.. gASP- A PEDOPHILE??
-hhwang00 omg fuck off Han he's not your baby
-hannnie @min.hot tell them!
-honey.lix when are y'all gonna stop
-its.seodark when @cherrymin and @hhwang00 start dating
-honey.lix this is distressing me so bad now
-honey.lix can y'all please stop this :(
-cherrymin um Hyunjin deserves better lol
-its.seodark he deserves better? So your name's better?
-chris97 don't fight kids, you're distressing @y.jeong's precious friend.
-y.jeong ........
-honey.lix ......
-its.seodark a certain blond will go bald tonight. Right @hannnie?
-hannnie yes.
-cherrymin CB97, you can't just do that, Lix dropped his ice cream and screeched. This date just turned horrible
-its.seodark you're on a date with Felix??
-hhwang00 Felix is on a date with you?
-y.jeong there are two types of people ^
-hannnie the one that likes cherry, and the one that likes Australian pus#$\+k
-hannnie omg this bitch @its.seodark dared to grab my phone

Direct Messages | @hannnie
[you're about to message someone you don't follow]

Let me make this clear <
Seungmin and Hyunjin have nothing going on <

Please, stop forcing them on each other :( <

It's hurting both Minho and Hyunjin <
And Minho probably liked Hyunjin, now I don't know <
I don't want Seungmin to be hurt too <

:(((( <

> Let me make this clear as well
> I like him too.

Wait what? <
You like whom? <

> (:
> yeah no it doesn't matter man

YIKES  ーchanglixWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt