Chapter 6

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Hey broskis, this chapter might be long as well. So grab another snack, a cozy ass blanket, and snuggle up 😌
We arrived back at the academy being met by everyone. "Could I please gather everyone together" Behold said, "Is Michael here?" He asked Cordelia. "No, he went out. But we don't know when he'll be back" Myrtle said. "I need to go to my room, I'll try to get down there as soon as possible" I said as Cordelia nodded at me in response. Michael was waiting for me, sitting on the end of my bed. "You're back" he said hugging me, "That was a fucking rollercoaster" I said rolling my eyes. "Well.. what did you learn?" He asked curiously. "Well, first we met your grandma and she told us about your childhood and that you aged a decade overnight scaring her half to death. She then went on to tell us that you tried to strangle her to death, but failed because you realized what you were doing to her. Then she told us how she killed herself and that she was happier to be with her proper kids instead of you" I said, stopping to make sure he was okay. But he wasn't fazed, he was a till fixated on listening.

"We then went to Ben Harmon. He told us about your relationship with each other, almost like a father and son bond. He then told us about the whole Tate situation and how he yelled at you when you were exploring the house. Lastly he went on to tell us that you made the new home owners cease to exist because they didn't belong there. He then said that he never could've helped you and that you would be unloved forever. Vivian Harmon then walked in taking us away and telling us more about you. She mentioned that she thought Ben nor Tate was your father since you were that much of an opposite than both of them. But rather that darkness was your real father. She then told us the black mass situation and how she tried to kill you but failed. Behold then yelled at me because he was mad that he even believed in you and help you after what we learned. Since you're the antichrist, that means that you shouldn't be our new supreme" I said ending the story.

"So are you going to leave me?" He asked me, "Definitely not, what I got told made me fall for you more. You're the fucking antichrist, do you know how powerful that makes you" I said cupping his cheek. "Well I didn't expect that" he said, "Did anyone ask you about being in my room before I left?" I asked him. "Nope, nobody did. But are you seriously not concerned?" He asked, "Not in the slightest" I said kissing him. The kiss got deeper as it went on, he tugged on my shirt but I didn't react. "We can't do that right now" I said looking at him. "Why? We have time" he said. "Behold is holding a meeting downstairs if I'm not there they'd realize what's going on and I'd probably be put to stake. Do you really want that to happen?" I asked him.

"No I don't. Just please be quick, okay?" he said, "I will" I said kissing him on the cheek. I walked down stairs while Behold was talking. "As you know me and Nerissa traveled to the murder house to retrieve information on who will be our new Supreme. What we discovered was quite honestly terrifying. His grandmother told us some disturbing facts about his childhood. We then talked to two other spirits in the house who were close to him. Ben and Vivian Harmon. It seems as though our new supreme is the antichrist" he said causing whispers across the room. He explained everything, detail after detail of what we got told to everyone. "Is that all?" Myrtle asked, "So far, yes. You are free to go back and do whatever you want" he said as everyone started to leave the room and go their separate ways.

I was extremely tired, I was fed up on digging dirt on Michael. I was in a two sided situation that I couldn't choose between. Cordelia was technically my second mother, she was the one who helped me be the person I am today. But Michael... I love him, and he has a valid point about a world without Cordelia being amazing. Both of them have their negative elements, and I just can't chose between them. I went back into my room, "You're back" he said to me. "Behold told everyone a detailed description of what we got told at the house. I don't know what they're planning on doing next" I told him.

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