Chapter 46: Test Subject

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. We will get you guys out of here immediately. Follow me.", he said as Soraru was still in daze trying to comprehend everything. "Wait. Who are you? Explain yourself or we won't follow you.", Soraru said. The black-haired male smiled apologizing. "Ah, sorry, my name is—."

"Hashiyan?!", Amatsuki shouted out in surprise and upon hearing his name, the black-haired male widened his eyes and turned towards the source of the voice. "Amatsuki! There you are! Now that it's cleared, let's go before other guards come! We can talk more while walking to the car!", Hashiyan said as he ran ahead and the others ran after him.

Mafumafu tried to help Soraru but it was difficult to do so alone so he had Shima help him as well. Urata helped Sou along with Luz and Nqrse also ran after them quickly. Sakata was the last one to run but he was stopped by someone tugging on his hand. Panicked he looked behind and then down to see the plant girl standing there.

"Oh, no... she was with the other man! What if she wants to kill me?", Sakata asked himself. But before he could even continue to worry the girl took a pair of scissors and cut of a piece of her hair before tying it together and giving it to him with a clear liquid. She then pointed it at her arm and then just stood there silently again.

Sakata was confused but he still took it nethertheless. He then gave her a smile, patting her head. "Um... thank you! I don't know what this is for and why you gave it to me but I'll ask the others on what to do! Thanks again!", Sakata thanked before running towards the others.

The small girl stood still and only moved again when Sakata was gone. She turned to look at Coccalap and kneeled down. She then put his mask down revealing a man in the middle of his fifties and she saw that he woke up. "Ah, you are still here, huh? Good girl.", Coccalap said as he patted her head lightly.

She looked up though when she heard some footsteps. It was Retrodot who looked down at Coccalap in disappointment.

"Neko. You are dismissed. Search for the streamers again. You managed to do it the first time so there will be a reward from the higher colleagues later.", Retrodot said and Neko merely nodded before walking off.

"So you've failed your task again. Not only did you let them escape, but you poisoned one of our streamers as well and now he is almost positively going to die. He really had potential and you still shot him. I told you to not kill any of them.", Retrodot reminded him but Coccalap merely laughed. "I'll not apologize for that. Seeing the first person not dying immediately by my poisoned bullet... and he was still able to stay sane!", Coccalap said.

"I see... you are never going to change, huh? I'll dismiss you in the name of the majority of everyone.", Retrodot said as he took out a gun out of his suit and pointed it at Coccalap.

"So you're going to kill someone who has worked so long with you?", Coccalap asked. "It is because you worked so long for us that we will show you mercy for killing two of our workers and kill you as well. It was nice working with you.", Retrodot said before shooting at the other man once in the stomach who coughed.

"Well then, goodbye.", Retrodot said before exiting the room. The plant girl stood over the man and after a long silence she sat down again and patted his head like he and Sakata did before.


"What's taking him so long? He said he would be back soon. I shouldn't have listened to him even though he insisted. And his arguments even sounded reasonable at that time.", Kradness sighed but before he could complain any further, Eve interrupted him.

"Ah! Hashiyan is coming with the others!", Eve exclaimed and Kradness immediately pushed a button to open the doors. They all stormed in and Kradness was about to give his complains but was interrupted by Hashiyan shouting at him to close the door and start driving.

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