Titan Eagle Sonic

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Chapter 28: Titan Eagle Sonic
(A.K.A. Another Metal Sonic transformation)
Studiopolis Studios
The studio had gone pitch black with people in the audience screaming in fear.
"Is this your doing, Miles?" Tails yelled out to his evil twin.
"I wish, but no, it is not." Miles answered.
A loud roar was heard outside.
"What was that?" Knuckles asked.
"It sounded close. It's probably the reason the power went out. Let's go see." Sonic said as he, along with the others, including the villains, ran outside to see what the noise was. They saw the new Metal Sonic.
"What, Metal Sonic?" May asked, shocked.
"He's fused with the Egg Eagle!" Tails exclaimed.
"So, Titan Eagle Sonic?" Manic suggested.
"Sure, why not?" Sonia chuckled.
"Well, we need to stop that thing! Let's go!" Sonic said as the heroes began to head toward the radio tower.
Radio Tower, A few minutes later
"How do we get to him? The tower is coursing with electricity!" Sonic said.
"I wouldn't know where to start." Knuckles added.
"Maybe we can try some ariel assault with the Sky Warrior." Tails said.
"Hey, guys!" Silver called out.
"Silver, you guys ok? What happened to Blaze?" Sonic asked.
"She melted a giant version of Metal Sonic and swooned." Shadow explained.
"Take her somewhere safe. Tails, you and me need to get to the Sky Warrior." Sonic told his best friend.
"Wait, take these." Silver handed Sonic the three Chaos Emeralds.
"You got them!" Tails exclaimed.
"Of course."
"Here, bro, I snagged the last emerald when no one was looking." Manic said, holding the Purple Chaos Emerald.
"Sometimes being a thief pays off." Sonic laughed, taking the emerald.
"I should know, I married one." Knuckles joked.
"Yea, you did."
Sonic and Tails took off toward the Sky Warrior.
"So, are we going to battle?" Miles asked.
"Sure. Manic, Sonia, wanna join?" Knuckles asked.
They both engaged Miles and his group in battle.
Shadow and Silver tended to Blaze.
"I wonder what happened to the Doctor?" Shadow asked himself.

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