13. minho

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"what do you mean again, jisung? so you both have met before?" chan asks jisung this time.

"huh? yeah...you could say that." jisung smiles cheekily as he steals a glance at me from the corner of his eye.

my heart... it's beating so fast...

i clutch my chest and stare at the floor.

i know i'm gay. i came out to my parents a long time ago.

but it's weird and tingly.

the feeling of liking someone.

is jisung gay?

that's something i would very much like to know.

i hope he is.

i really hope he is.

"minho? are you okay? is your chest hurting?"

woojin hyung's voice makes me look up.

"no, i'm fine." i say, knowing well i'm not.

"minho, this is changbin. changbin, this is minho, woojin's best man."

chan introduces the emo looking guy.

he's dressed in all black. his cap, his shirt, his jeans. everything is dark.

i wouldn't be surprised if his entire wardrobe was filled nothing but black.

i forget about the other best friend as soon as i look at the boy from the plane.

the cute boy is my new housemate.

if this isn't going to be the most awkward 3 months of my life, i don't know what will be.

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