Chapter one

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Okay so I finally got the chapter one up

Here is where the real adventure starts and it's going to build up

And I'm having them in groups, like different people in different groups or something like that, you'll understand. So yeah



Chapter one

It was a dark night where the moon is at its highest as a shadowy figure was running through a thick forest, while another figure was running, more like gliding, after the first figure, trying to capture the person, but the person keeps slipping away and runs even faster. When the person felt that he had enough power, he teleported away, causing the other figure to growl loudly before fading away into the darkness.

He groaned as he hit the ground and rubbed his back as he slowly stood up. He saw that he teleported at the open plains. He sighs in relief before remembering what he have to do, grinning, he started to teleport away and then disappeared in a while glow.


The first few things he noticed were a pounding headache, something soft against his hands and back, and a soft breeze against his face. Groaning, Jordan slowly pushed himself up, but then felt a hand on his chest gently pushing him back onto the ground, “Slow down man or you’ll open your wound” a calm voice said to him, causing Jordan to do the opposite, eye popped open and stumbling sitting up, pushing the mysterious person away and in full panic mode.

He only managed to crawl a few inches behind him when he felt pain in his head, causing him to cry out and placed his hands on the open wound, trying to stop the bleeding. “You fucking idiot, I told you to slow down” the person, sounds like a man told him, scolding him a bit while placing a wet rag on the wound before taking Jordan’s hands and placing it on the rag, holding it in place. “Now, the bleeding will stop for a few minutes, it’s not a deep cut so it doesn’t need to be stitched” he explained it.

When his breathing was calmed, Jordan looked up and the mysterious person and saw that it was a man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.

The man told him to stay there as he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Jordan alone. Taking the time to look at his surroundings, he saw that he was in a small, but comfortable house made almost entirely out of dirt, there’s a few paintings, a bit of glass on the ground and another bed across from his. When he looked closer, he saw a man, a few years younger than him, lying on the bed.

The man has brunette hair with a rat tail in the back, a black shirt with grey belts, black pants, red combat boots and gloves.

Removing the towel and feeling the cur to see that it stopped, Jordan got off the ground, using the wall to support himself and walked to the front door. When he stepped foot out the door, he quickly stepped back in shock of what he saw outside.

‘W-What, Am I really here o-or is this a dream’ Jordan thought to himself as he was looking around the familiar surroundings. He was looking around before he was forcefully turned around to face the same man from before, “Hey, hey calm down” he told him, while gripping on his shoulders. “W-What the brown is going on” Jordan shouted in panic while gripping tightly at the man’s wrist. After taking a few deep breaths, Jordan calm down enough to let go of his grip, making the other man do the same, sighing, “Okay so what happened” Jordan asked the man, “The name Ryan and we should head back inside to talk” Ryan told him as he turned around and walked inside with Jordan following behind.

“Hey Geoff, you around” Ryan called out, making Jordan wondering of who was Geoff. Then he heard footsteps across from them and saw two men, he recognized the first man, who was looking around in confusion, but the other man was someone new.

He was wearing green armor, which he remembered seeing it from Halo, and holding his helmet in his hands, letting Jordan see his face. He has brown hair with a small bread and mustache, and brown eyes.

“Yeah fucker, I’m here” Geoff replied with a playful smile, causing Ryan to laugh. “Well since everyone is up, we can now discuss on a plan” Geoff explained as he placed his helmet on the table as the other man sat on the bed, seems to still be in shock and now have sunglasses over his golden eyes.

“Wait, first can anyone tell me what the hell is going on” the mysterious man told them and he looked at them, smirking, Geoff faced him, “Got guts kid, well the name’s Geoff and here’s my friend and co-worker, Ryan” he introduced him, “And my name is Jordan” Jordan introduced himself as well. “And we’re in the game, Minecraft, lads” Geoff told everyone, causing Jordan to be shocked and the other guy tensed up and shocked as well.

“What, how is that possible” the man shrieked as he stood up, his hand in his hair. Geoff and Ryan was just standing there, letting him vent out, while Jordan was shocked, ‘what, how is that possible, wait the other guys’ Jordan suddenly remembered his other friends. Placing a hand on Ryan’s shoulder, “Ryan, if we’re here, then the other guys are here as well” Jordan explained to him in a panic voice.

“Hm, that is a possibility” Ryan answered in a calm tone while looking at Geoff. “Well shit” Geoff cursed while rubbing his forehead, “We have to find the others Geoff” Ryan told him. “Yeah we don’t know what kind of dangers they could face or they could be alone or in groups” Geoff said, with everyone agreeing.

“Hey kid, what your name, anyways” Geoff asked the mysterious man, after a few seconds he answered, “My name’s Adam” he replied.


Okay so here's the first group in the story and I might have an idea for the next group in the next chapter

I'll leave you guys to guess on that

Piper out-

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