Prologue part one

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Yush! Finially finish part one of the Prologue, just need two more beofre the real fun begins you know so yeah

Also Im sorry if some of them are like OOC or something like that so yeah

Have fun reading


Prologue part one

“This is the good time to stop”

“Come home”




“Come on please”

“No, fuck you”

Everyone laughed at the two boys as Jordan turned off the recording, ending the video they were recording. Aleks turned towards the boy next to him and glared at him, causing James to laugh harder. The group had just finished recording ‘TreeTopia’ and the only people, who were available; there was Jordan, Dan, James, Eddie, Seamus, and Aleks. Also it was said that there was going to be a storm coming, so they wanted to record for several videos before the storm hits.

As they were packing up for the day and getting ready to go home, when a loud booming sound echoed throughout the house, causing everyone to flinch a bit and Seamus to jump too, but it’s barely noticeable. Then a second later, all the lights, except for the computers, was turned off or busted, and the gang started shouting and cursing a bit.

“Well, does anyone want to sleep over?” Jordan asked everyone, receiving shouts of agreements in return. Then everyone started leaving the room to head to the living room, as Aleks being the last person to leave the room and as he was leaving, he heard something behind. He turned around to see that his minecraft game is logged on, which he thought he logged out of.

Confused, he walked back towards his computer monitor, but he saw something that is different. The view was in third point of view, that’s show the front view of his character, but instead of his character facing the screen, its head was tilted towards the right corner of the screen,

“What the fuck” he said to himself, still confused. Completely forgotten about the group, he sat in his chair, still facing the monitor; he grabbed the mouse and moved the camera, or tried. The camera was still in place, and then something unexpected happened.

Aleks felt something ice cold wrapped around his right hand, where he was holding the mouse, quickly looked down and saw some kind of white-blueish mist, and if he looked closer he could see small random numbers in the mist, swirling around his hand and slowly rising up to his arm. He barely had time to think about it when he felt a sharp piercing pain, like he’s being ripped part bit by bit. The mist had reach up to his shoulder when the pain became too much and let out a painful scream before blacking out from the pain.


The group was bringing out the blankets and getting ready, because they planned to have a movie night, after they checked that the TV in the living room was working, for the rest of the night, when they heard a scream upstairs, causing the rest to quickly run upstairs.

“Aleks” Eddie yelled out in panic as he burst through the room with the others close behind, but as soon as they entered the room, the door behind them slammed shut. Dan turned around and grabbed the handle, trying to open the door, but the handle wouldn’t even turn. As he was still trying, he quickly pulled his hand away, because the handle suddenly burned his hand and the same white mist covering the whole door, making Dan back away.

The light from the mist became brighter that they have to cover their eyes, but as soon as they did that, they felt tight grips wrapped either around their neck, arms, legs or waist and soon after they felt a sharp piercing pain that soon quickly spread throughout their body and passed out from the pain.

(With Kevin and Steven)

“No, Kevin, why you kill me” Steven whined and laughed a bit as his minecraft character died again, while Kevin was doing his evil laugh when he killed Steven again.

The duo was playing multiplayer in minecraft during their free time and having a good time while using Skype for the call.

“Ready for round two Steven” Kevin asked him, “Ready” Steven replied back, clicked the ‘Respawn’ button and was about to play until both of their minecraft glitched and froze in place. “The fuck..” Kevin said, while trying to make it work again with Steven doing the same. “What happened” Steven said as he looked around to see what was wrong, then he started yelling out in panic, causing Kevin to jump and look at him.

“What wrong Steven…..Steven!” he asked and then called out in panic when the Skype call became fuzzy. Then he felt something grip his neck and covered his month, muffling his yelling, as he was lifted off his chair, causing him to struggle against the grip. Kevin continued to struggle against it, but the grip around his neck tightened up enough for Kevin to start seeing black spots surrounding his vision and started gasping for air. More black spots appeared within his vision and his struggling started to slow down to a complete stop, and Kevin passed out from lack of air.

The last thing he heard is a distant static laugh.


Omg what's going to happen man well yeah so please comment down on how it was you know and yeah

Next victim Team Crafted (or something like that Im sorry) and also I might have some trouble with them since I don't know much about some people to another you know so yeah

Piper out-

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