Chapter two

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally you know like I said before I have writers block in all my stories and I'm really trying to write them so yeah

So here's the secodn group and yeah I'm sorry I got nothing much to say XD



Chapter two

The sun was high in the sky as one boy was on top of a tree looking onwards with the wind gently blowing against his hair and red and white checkered hoodie. He squinted his eyes a bit before giving up and climbed down the tree, using the vines as support and landed in front of two men with the younger man was knocked out on the others man’s back.

The first man was in his mid-twenties with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes and a long nose. He’s wearing a green shirt that has a similar color pattern as a creeper, with the same colored shorts and running shoes. He also has a green and dark green scarf around his neck with a creeper head at the end of the scarf.

The second man was in his early twenties with brown hair popping out from the blue and silver helmet, the helmet has two spikes going upward on the sides and an upper side of the mask was covering his upper side of his face. He’s wearing a navy blue sweater and black pants and combat boots.

“How is he” the brunet haired man asked, “Still asleep” the dirty blonde man answered in a British accent, the brunet hummed at the response and looked up at the sky again. We should keep going” Mitch said and started walking, Gavin nodded and adjusted his grip on the other man and started following him, “Come on CJ” he called out, hearing a small happy hiss behind him, making him smile a bit.

Behind him was a little creeper, but was slightly different from the rest of the regular creepers, for one, the little creeper is a few shades darker than the regular green, have a same green scarf as Gavin have and finally it have a smile on his face instead of a frown.

Letting out another small hiss, CJ quickly moved his small legs, catching up with his friend.

(Few Hours Later)

The sun was setting at the trio came across a village, which was lucky for them. So they entered in one of the houses and luckily for them, there were beds and so Gavin gently laid the younger man on the bed and took off the helmet and placing it on the desk next to it. Seeing that he didn’t stir, Gavin moved to his own bed ad sat on it, “Come on CJ” he called out to the little creeper, which CJ jumped into Gavin’s waiting arms, and curled against his chest and seconds later, tiny snores was heard.

It made Gavin smile a bit and hugged the little creeper closer and leaned against the wall next to his bed and looked at Mitch, who was sitting on the bed, looking out the window while eating an apple. There was silence between the two for a few minutes before Gavin broke the silence, “So what’s the plan for tomorrow” he asked Mitch.

Mitch hummed a bit before turned to Gavin, “We’ll leave as soon as we get ready, we have to find the others” he answered as he threw away the apple’s core and got ready to sleep. Gavin nodded as he got ready as well and hope for a new day tomorrow.

(Next Morning)

Aleks groaned as he slowly woke up from the sun shining into his eyes and it didn’t help with his headache, so he rolled over to avoid the light, but then open his eyes in surprise when he felt himself fall out of bed. Cursed beneath his breath, Aleks pushed himself off the ground and sat up, still dazed.

He was looking around the room, not really thinking then he made a mistake of looking down in front of him. He saw of what it looked like a creeper but smaller, both he and the creeper were just looking at each other for a minute before his mind suddenly snapped awake. ‘Whoa” he yelled out in surprise as he quickly pushed him onto the bed. The creeper squeak in surprise also and made a small explosion, not big enough to destroy the place, but big enough to have ashes covering all over.

The bad thing is that it woke up the other two; Gavin woke up with a squawk, sat up and fell out of bed while Mitch sat straight up holding a stone sword in defend. What he saw seemed to shock him a bit, he saw Gavin on the ground, groaning and Aleks, of what it seems like he’s in shock, just sitting there staring at the little creeper, who was squealing.

(Ten Minutes Later)

“Damn dude” Aleks finally said after a few minutes of silence when Mitch was finished explaining everything. Gavin was outside with CJ, because Aleks was still freaking out about the little creeper. “Well, what are we going to do now” Aleks asked as he grabbed his helmet and put it on, “We’re going to find the others” Mitch answered as he packed up a few food and an iron sword, he found.

Aleks hummed as he put his boots on and picked up a spare sword. Then the silence was interrupted by a yell from outside, “Guys come outside” Gavin yelled out, excited about something. The two boys looked at each other before running outside; they saw Gavin looking at something in the distance with a happy grin on his face. “What is it” Mitch asked, looking at where Gavin was looking and saw a faint building “Is that…” Mitch asked in awe.

“Yes, that’s Achievement City” Gavin exclaimed as he started running towards the building with CJ trailing behind him. Mitch looked at Aleks with a grin, “Lezzgo” He shouted as he ran after Gavin with Aleks following after them, not wanting to be behind.


Um yeah how you like it so far sorry if they sound OOC um yeah and did you like the little creeper I added

I decided to add like a friend you know uh yeah

Piper out-

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