Prologue part three

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Okay yeah I finally did the last part of the prologue or something like that

Yeah after this the real adventure begins so yeah



Prologue part three

It was around ten at night as a group of gamers are finishing up their recording for the night at the building, the building was empty, except for the group.

The guys are yelling and cheering in excitement as the two guys were fighting for the tower of pimps. The fight lasted for a few minutes until one of them was strike down by the other with an iron sword. “Oh Ryan” Geoff yelled out as Ryan’s character died and Ryan groaning in defeat, while Gavin was shouting out in victory with Michael and Ray.

After laughing, Geoff checked on the time and saw that it was close to midnight, so he told the guys that they’re done for today and edit the video the next day. The others agreed to it and organizing everything into place so they can leave.

It was eleven at night as the guys were ready to leave and as everyone left the room, Gavin stayed behind to finish packing. “I’ll be waiting in the breaker room with the others, Gavin” Geoff hollered over his shoulder as he walked out the door, with Gavin responding back before getting back to what he was doing. Unknowingly to him, behind him showed a barely noticeable glow appearing in one of computers.

After he finished cleaning up, Gavin stood up and was about to leave with Geoff and the others when he saw a soft glow from the corner of his eye, which was weird because he remembered turning the computer off. “That’s weird” he said before beginning to turn off the computer, but then felt a tight grip on his wrist and head and before he had time to react, his head was slammed onto the desk, causing him to shout out in shock and pain before blacking out.




The sounds echoed throughout the empty building and towards the breaker room where the guys are. Geoff looked up when he and the rest heard the screams, “Gavin” he yelled out as he bolted out of the breaker room and towards the office with the gang behind him. When they got to the room, what they saw shocked them.

“Gavin” Michael shot out as he lunged forward, grabbing onto Gavin’s waist and dug his heels into the ground, trying to hold his ground against the force that is pulling Gavin, but it was not enough as he felt himself moving forward a bit. “Fuck” Michael grunted out and soon felt arms around his stomach and shoulders as the other guys helped him fight against the force.

It was working for a few seconds until the light started covering Gavin’s body and now covering Michael’s arms, which he started to feel a huge shock traveling from the light to his arms and throughout his body.

Then he heard a scream in the background and the other guys shouting and he finally realized that the screams were coming from him. When the pain became too much, he started to loose conscious and the last thing he heard with the faint screams of his friends and a menacing laughter in the background.


So yeah sorry if the ending is rushed or anything

You should know that its really hard to find the right words to really make sense of this and yeah

So anyways the next chapter they will be in teams or groups and yeah, you'll know about it in the next chapter

Piper out-

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