Unconditional Love chapter 24

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Dean's been doing everything he could to gain back Seth's trust. He even offered to put a tracker in his phone for Seth. Seth decline and says that it wasn't necessary and everything between them is okay... even though it's really not and it easy to tell it wasn't. It was a Saturday night in January Seth was doing the dishes when Dean came up from be hide hugged him and rocked him side to side. He spinned Seth around and stared into his eyes.

Dean stopped for a few seconds, then pressed his lips against  neck, leading into a soft, pleasuring hickey. He continued, then, with Seth consent, placed his hand up Seth shirt gently. Dean slowly proceeded downward, the kissing going from lips down to his lovers belly.  Gosh he wished for more kids with Seth.

After that session Dean and Seth had. They thought the rest of the night everything was going good at least that's how it turned out.

"Dean do you have work tomorrow." Seth asked looking at Dean

"I do but it's at 3:30 to 7:30. So we got the while morning to ourselves" Dean said as his lips again went close to Seth's.

"I wish but I think I have to make up a lab tomorrow." Seth said pouting

"You work too much. Let me take off your stress." Deans replies smirking kissing on Seth's sweet spot while he's hands grabbed onto Seth's butt. Seth's hand wrapped around Deans neck. One thing led to another Seth was bending over and grabbing onto the corner of the counter and Dean pulling Seth's hair back.

Once done they were done they were out of breath unable to move cause it was so good. But all of a sudden Leo yelled for them. They panicked they were naked in the kitchen. They rushed to put in their former clothes.

"I'm coming Leo" Seth said as Dean and him rushed to his room. They turned on the lights and found Leo crying.

They rushed to Leo's side immediately and asked what's wrong. Leo explained to them that when he went to sleep their dog was on the bed with him and now he can't find him. Hearing that Seth couldn't help but laugh.

"Leo honey sometimes throughout the night the dog comes my room to say hi but he doesn't disappear. Come look at him." Seth explains helping Leo get out of bed holding his hand bringing him to where the dog always goes.

"No need to cry Leo you see he's all safe probably dreaming of you cause he love you just like we love you." Dean said wiping Leo tears. Leo nodded and went back to his room where he was tucked him back into bed.

"Try your best to go back to sleep goodnight sweetheart." Seth said kissing Leo's forehead before walking out.

After all was done Dean and Seth ended up in bed just before going to sleep they decided to talk for a bit.

"Hey Seth you know i love you right." Dean said

"I know." Seth said not saying the three words back

"But somethings wrong I know there is." Dean said knowing Seth like a book

"I just... *sigh* it's just what you did with Brandon hurts."

"I know I'm sorry it won't happen anymore. I'll do anything to take it back and have your love and trust back."

"You'll always have my love papi. Let's go to sleep now." Seth said kissing Dean's lips once last time before flipping over and turning off the lights.

After that everyone was completely knocked out in bed. Snoring, drooling all that. Even the dog too. It was about 1/2 in the morning when Dean's phone starts going off. Seth is a heavy sleeper so it didn't affect him at all. Dean picked his phone off the nightstand didn't think anything of it thinking it was probably one of those scams. His eyes then widen at the caller id.     

Seth's mom

Why would his mom be calling at this time? Dean decided to answer.

Dean: "hello?"

Seth's mom: "Dean finally I've been trying to call Seth. Listen Brandon's in the hospital it's bad"

Dean: "we're on our way."

The phone call ended and Dean instantly woke up Seth. He had to explain what happened on the phone. After they got ready Seth picked up sleeping Leo along with his small blanket and a toy and place him in the car seat. Once inside they were bought to Brandon and he was conscious.

It did shock Brandon that Seth, Dean and Leo was there.It broke everyone's heart seeing him like that. He's the oldest so he's the one whose supposed to have his life together.

Seth's POV

"What happened." I asked holding a sleeping Leo. We might not like each other right now but I still wanna know why he's here.

"He drink too much so he had his stomach pumped." Mom said

"Which is why when he gets out he's going to rehab." Dad said

"What! No this was just a misunderstanding I know my limits I'm not a alcoholic." Brandon said in disbelief this was happening

"No they're right you need help Brandon. We're all gonna be here to help you out." Dean said jumping in. Dean knows better than anyone the signs, the ups and downs of drinking.

Mom and dad got hungry so they went to the cafeteria. They took Leo was them too. Leaving Dean and I in the room with Brandon. We sat on opposite sides of him. I wasn't gonna talk first till someone else does. I don't want to start problems. But no one was talking I get it though it was be super weird.  All of us looked around to avoid awkwardness.

I was rushing I really wanted to post before the New Year.
Ik y'all are sick of Brandon but don't worry he's going bye bye.
This book is almost over wow. I also have a new book on its way so yay!
Message me for any suggestions :)

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