Umconditional Love Chapter 16

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And it turns out Dean was right. Having Seth's parents close has been a big help. Seth started school a week ago. He's been doing great all his credits transferred over and he's only doing a year and a half till he's officially an RN which is another name for a nurse.

On the other hand for Dean finding a job is hard when you didn't go to college. Dean's mostly been home though. He's been going to job interview to job interview to job interview and still nothing. Dean sighed as he lays back onto Seth's bed. Dean hadn't moved back in with Seth they're still taking things slow. But he goes over almost everyday.

Leo's back in school he's doing good. He's been extremely hyper but that's because of his ADHD. Soccer season is also coming so he's been excited for that. Papa and Daddy are together thats all he wants. Leo also wants another sibling and so does Dean but Seth ignores it.

Dean who is currently on Seth's bed felt safe and wanted to be in Seth arms again. He was about to go to sleep when his phone started ringing.

"Brandon" Dean said confused before picking up the phone. No one has seen or heard from Brandon since Leo's birthday.

"Hello". Dean said picking up the phone

"I'm ready" Brandon said bluntly and Dean automatically knew what it was

"Ok I'll go pick you up." Dean said hanging up. Dean hopes to get answers into why he went m.i.a.

Seth on the other hand was in class taking a test. He studied his ass off for this test. It's his first one since he's been back at school. He read the questions carefully one by one. Hoping to get a good score. He wonder what Leo and Dean were currently doing. He worries that Dean won't find a job and that Leo will fail a grade. The thing with Seth is that he overthinks too much. He shook his head as he filled in choice B on he's test paper.

With Dean and Brandon
"Mr. Rollins I am sorry to inform you but your body is unable to carry a baby. " the doctor informed Brandon before leaving the room.

Dean hugged Brandon tightly both reminded silent. Dean walked out of the room so that he can changed. After a few minutes Brandon came out wanting to leave but had to sign some paperwork. Once in the car Dean pulled Brandon close to him.

"I'm fine Dean really." Brandon said frowning looking at everything beside Dean's eyes

"Look at me I know it's not fine but everything gonna be alright."Dean said before turning on the car and driving off.

The drive back to Brandon's was less than 10 minutes and was quiet. Dean didn't wanna bother him.

"So this is where you're staying?" Dean asked

"Yeah but please don't tell my family I'm here."  Brandon responded

"I won't say anything just stay safe and if I need anything I'm here." Dean said giving a hug to Brandon before he exited the car.

Dean drove home just in time because Leo's bus was about to arrive in 5 minutes. Dean got happy because when Leo gets home Seth follows soon after. Dean got home and prepared a lil snack for Leo. When Dean waited outside he got a little chilly. It's fall what you expect. It's Seth forever season the leaves turning colors Seth loves it.

"Okay Leo lets do homework!"

Later that day Seth arrived later than usual. It was about 5pm now the family decided to order  Chinese food. They all sat at the dinner table for a hour. Before Seth and Dean went upstairs
Seth offered Dean to shower here cause Dean always stays late and he has a job interview tomorrow.

They went to Seth's room and Seth provided a towel and some clothes for Dean.

"Thank you babe." Dean said pecking his lips. "I'll be right out baby." Dean said before entering the bathroom.

Seth started to the clean his room when all of a sudden Dean's phone went off. It was unlikely to Dean get texts useless it was Seth himself texted. So Seth being curious he checked it out.

From Brandon:
Hey just wanted to say thank you for today I appreciate it. You always come through for me.

What the fuck Seth said out loud angrily with tears forming and his heart racing.

This chapter was all over the place sorry but hey message me anytime

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