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Thank you to everyone who really stuck out to the end for this. I hope that it was worth it because this original was a kicker to write. I hope that it gave y'all some laughs.

I know the ending of the 10 chapter adaptation kind of sucked, but I was losing the will to keep it going. In all honesty, I never intended to make it anything serious. I may go back and re-write it one day, but not right now. The original purpose was to have the sitcom version only anyway.

Between college, work, and mourning the death of three of my friends, I'm holding out for something that I'm not really entirely sure I know anymore. I'm lost and trying to find my way. For now, that's what writing is. So, I hope that this fic made some of you smile and hopefully it was something I did right among so many things I've done wrong.

Flowers for the Wounded (Levi x Eren Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz