Chapter 1: Paternal Relevance

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"My warrior orc with enchanted graven armor will always reign supreme over your wood elf any day, Levi."

"Oh, shut it, Farlan. I've got a legendary milkweed oak bow with poison arrows. You think your armor can still survive? I haven't grinded this long for nothing," I retorted. "Bring it on, you freaking doofus." The broad afternoon hours brought a pleasant heat accompanied by a soothing breeze that wrapped the trees and shook the grass. Farlan and I were lazing around since neither of us worked today. The coffee shop run by our mutual, Isabel Magnolia, was out on a business trip to gain some new recipes and cultural experiences overseas for a month. That meant no work for either of us for some time. We decided to pick up Overlord Runner, an old game from a few years ago that I played back in high school. Farlan had never heard of it, so I got him a copy and we both played for three days all preparing for today's PvP showdown. It was a pleasant time and didn't feel like things were too different between then and now.

All of a sudden, my mom burst into the room. I didn't live with her, but that didn't stop her from coming by and tidying up or cooking dinner. In a way, it might have been my mistake for giving her a spare key for emergencies. I was already as cleanly as it could possibly though, so she probably just missed me. For that reason, I didn't mind.

"Levi, Kenny just called and said he's on his way to take you night driving," she explained. "You did well this morning with me, so go get them, bunny." Farlan snorted and earned an elbow stab to the gut. I ignored his groans of protests and paused the game, turning to my mom.

"Tch, do I have to learn to drive with him?" I whined. "You know I don't like him."

"I have to take my car back home, Levi. I'm leaving in about half an hour once the tacos are finished. Kenny is the only other guy who has a car you can use. It'll be easier since it's an automatic and not a stick shift like mine."

"Why can't I just drive some other day?"

"Your test is in three weeks, Levi. You need as much practice as you can reagardless of who's with you. I know you don't like Kenny. But, he's still your uncle. He's trying his best, alright? He'll swing by around six." With that, she closed the door behind with fading steps following after. I slapped my head into the palms of my hands and let out a raspy sigh. Farlan ran a concerned hand across my back and massaging my nape.

"Is it that bad?" he asked.

"Which part: driving or the bastard?" I spat back.

"That bad, hmm?" he mumbled. The answer was as clear as day from night. "What did the guy do that's so rooted in you?"

"It's not really what he's done," I grumbled. I let go of my head and went back to playing. Farlan followed suit, but I could tell he was waiting. I sighed as we went head to head. "What pisses me off isn't really Kenny himself. I suppose in retrospect, he's not actually doing too much wrong. He wants to involve himself with me act as a father figure. You know my dad's not around at all anymore. I never really hated my dad or anything, but my mom can't forgive him. Probably never will even if she saw him again. Kenny is trying too hard to replace that presence in my life. This whole driving with me thing is another attempt at trying to bond with me. I can already tell where he wants it to go. But, he doesn't understand that it doesn't bother me. Him making a big deal out of it irritates me to hell and back."

"You have my sympathies, Levi," Farlan consoled. "Is there a reason you don't really refuse his hangouts completely?"

"You heard her earlier. My mom wants me to have that connection with him," I softly answered. Farlan hummed passively in understanding.

"Even now, you choose not to disobey her. You're a sweet son," he complimented. I elbowed him again. "Hey, watch it!"

"I was," I snarkily replied. "I'm not sweet."

Flowers for the Wounded (Levi x Eren Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin