I nodded. That was what I planned to do.

Only it didn't quite work out that way. The instant the boat pulled away, I got pulled over forwards, let go of the rope and did a face plant. I came to the surface spluttering as Mo drew the boat up alongside me.

"Just relax more on the next try. I can see the stress in your shoulders."

No kidding. I had more tension than a tightrope.

He passed the handle back to me and we tried again. This time, I tipped over sideways but swallowed marginally less water. That was an improvement, right? At least Mo was kind enough not to laugh, unlike Kat. I could see her snapping away on her phone while she giggled. Tell me again, why did I agree to this? If I survived, I'd be revoking our friendship as soon as I set foot back on the beach.

"Try keeping your knees bent for longer," Mo suggested. "That way you won't be so unbalanced."

Well, that time I didn't tip over forwards. I did, however, give myself a saltwater enema and came fairly close to drowning before I accepted defeat and let go.

Mo stopped beside me again. I must have been frustrating him to no end, but he was still smiling.

"I know you're tired, but we'll have one more go today—this time point your toes more."

I tried that, not expecting much, but suddenly I ended up on my feet, being pulled along by the boat at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. I managed a good twenty yards before a wave unbalanced me and the board shot out to the side.

Still, I'd done it! I couldn't help grinning as Mo helped me back on board. I was knackered and dripping wet, but for those few seconds... What a rush!

"That was good," he said, smiling his shy smile and handing me a towel. "Soon you will be a pro."

That was a little generous of him, but I appreciated the sentiment.

"I got it all on film," Kat announced.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to erase everything but the last ten seconds?"

"No chance! When you're old and grey, you'll look back fondly on these moments."

Ah yes, the day I inhaled the Red Sea. What a great memory to treasure.

When the boat returned to shore, Kat scurried off to assist a customer while Mo helped me onto the jetty. It was a relief to be on dry land again.

"Thanks for taking me out," I said.

"You're welcome. You did well for a first lesson."

"I'm not sure about that. I think I'd prefer to be where Kat was sitting—that way, I could just admire the scenery without swallowing salty water."

My throat still stung from it, and I made a face.

"Would you like a drink to take the taste away? We have mint tea and karkade."

"Yes, please. Mint tea would be lovely."

Mo made my drink, pouring out a third mug for Kat as well. Hers was the one with three sugars. She always said she could never be sweet enough.

"Have you always lived in Fidda Hilal?" I asked.

"No, I come from Cairo. I moved here six years ago."

"I can see why—it's beautiful." Sun, sea, a few palm trees—what could be prettier?

"It's not just the scenery. Life is slower, more relaxed. In Cairo, it's always so busy."

He handed me my tea and I blew the steam away, savouring the refreshing aroma.

"Will you ever move back there, do you think?"

His shy smile reappeared. "Not as long as Kat is here. I'll live wherever she lives."

Aw, he was as smitten with her as she was with him. I was so glad they'd found each other.

When Kat and Mo returned to work, I headed to my terrace. I'd cricked my neck in one of my tumbles, and when I worked it back and forth, pain shot up one side. Despite my moment of triumph at the end, I wasn't sure I was cut out for wakeboarding. Maybe I could try a different kind of activity? Something a little less strenuous, like working my way through the alcohol-free cocktail menu? I picked up the room-service booklet. No time like the present, eh? Ooh, was that chocolate gateau?

Perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all...

Perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all

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