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As they make love the Admerial is walking down the corridors and as he walks past rens chambers he can hear them. He stops and listens and he can hear them both say they love each other and her say that she's his. He feels hurt that she has done this to the general but he doesn't want the general to be made a fool either he goes to the transmitter and contacts the general. Yes Admerial is everything okay hux asks him. The admerial drops his head no sir I'm afraid not you asked me to report any activity  to you about her correct. Hux gets nervous and mad yes what happened Admerial. Sir when I was walking down the corridors heading to my personal chambers I walked past Rens chambers and heard them having sex he told her he loved her and that she loved him and she said she was his. I'm sorry sir. Hux stays quiet for a moment. Just dont confront them if you hear any other encounter by them put it in a notepad with the date and when I return I will confront them both. Yes my general again I'm sorry.
       The transmission ends as the admerial- holofigure disappears. Hux leans back in his chair on his ship rubbing his temples. He suddenly slings things off his desk into the floor and across the room ripping things off the walls. He glances down at his wedding ring and gets furious that she broke there relationship broke his heart and broke her vows. The anger builds with in him the entire time he's on this mission. While back on the finilazer Ren continues traning Rey in more than one way. One morning she wakes up not feeling herself it's a traning day so she goes and showers but cant shake this feeling she's having. She gets to the traning arena and sees that kylo hasn't arrived yet she starts with a battle droid dodging and blocking the blasts. Kylo enters watching her from the entrance you okay over there love. Rey shuts the droid off and walks over yeah I'm okay love just not feeling that great this morning. Why what's going on rey if u dont mind me asking. I don't know just been feeling sickish here lately. Come mere he says as he pulls her close to him, she stares into his eyes still mesmerized by him I love you Ben Solo I love you too Rey he says as he kisses her they forget to lock the door to the room when the admerial walks in.

           Oh I'm sorry I should be leaving the admerial says wait what's going on between you too. Rey is still in Kylos arms when the realize what just happened. Sir please don't say anything Kylo says to him I cant risk him hurting her. I'm sorry sir but I promised the general I would report anything that goes against his marriage with her. She drops her head but looks back up at kylo we need to leave Ben before he returns. I'm sorry to inform you Rey but our General has returned the mission was a success and didn't take long as first estimated. What she says as kylo still holds her in his arms. He knows about everything. Kylo gets furious and ignites his saber and slices the Admerials head off come rey let's go to my chambers where you'll be safe. Okay love. Also place your hood up while we walk to my chambers. They get down the spiral staircase when they hear hux screaming where are they I want them both found now they both have explaining to do. Rey looks up at Ben are you sure this is a good idea love I'm worried for both of us he doesn't seem too pleased the fact he is having people search for us.  Let's just continue to my chambers rey come on. They hear hux getting louder with his orders rey and ren both no they are going to run into him. Rey takes his arm as they walk towards tens chambers when she starts getting sick  Ren kneels down beside her holding her up are you okay all she can do is shake her head no. He picks her up and Carrie's her the rest of the way to his chambers as they thought they do in fact run into  Hux. He was actually waiting  at Rens chambers waiting for them to return. Hux sees them and gets furious his blood starts boiling he wants to scream and shoot ten with his blaster till he sees the condition she's in how pale her skin is and the concerned expression on Rens face. Ren sees Hux at the door but just focuses on getting Rey in there to lay down. Wait hux says softly I'm not going to hurt any of you I'm just hurt I'm confused I just want to know why is all is she okay he asks staring at them fighting back tears as h ed BBC speaks. Kylo glances down at Rey in his arms no I don't know what's wrong with her she randomly  got sick couldn't stand I was bringing her here to lay her down till I could retrieve medical staff.

              Hux sighs and radios to the medical bay for staff to come to Rens chambers he opens the door as Kylo lays her down on the sofa moving the loose curls of hair from her face. She looks up and sees Hux kneeling beside her tears well in her eyes knowing she's lost him. Rey please dont cry yes I'm upset but I know it's my fault as well I'm always on missions never have time for you I need to make more time yes I know you have feelings for him I know he cares for you I know the feelings are strong but I love you always have and always will yes I know we've only done things once and yes the Admerial  reported that you all was doing things again I'm hurt but  I still love you Rey  she stares at him the entire time I love you too Armitage I'm  sorry for breaking everything she starts rambling until she's met with Armitage kissing her please just stay with me I've been hurt to much by others I'm not letting you get away I love you Rey  he says as medical staff comes in. He moves out  of the way and pulls up a chair to sit by her while Ren sits at her feet.  They draw a couple miles of blood and start running numerous tests they hand hux the results and it comes back that she's pregnant a week exactly. She gets depressed knowing exactly who the father is. It's okay love we all three will raise the baby kylo looks up  surprised that he is willing to do this general I'm sorry I fell in love with your wife she's just so enticing. Hux looks at him I know why do you think I fell in love with her she's breath taking. Here have her take these when she gets sick they nursing staff pack up and leave them alone. Nothing is said for what seems like forever till rey breaks the silence I love you Armitage I love you too Rey hux say to her. Ben I'm sorry I've caused you this heart ache you probably  hate me. Love look at me Ben says as he kneels in front of her I dont hate you never will I love you yes you are the Generals wife but I'm always going to love you and hold you in my heart she just smiles at what he says hux is jealous but doesn't mind come Rey we need to be going hux says as he stands up and holds his hand for her to take. Also Ren there is a mission I need you to go on with the knights and troopers what's the location General hux looks at him Crait Ren. Okay when do we embark tonight Ren. Okay sir I'll have everything ready it's a battle the file is on my desk in my office. Okay General I'll see to it. He watches as Hux and Rey leave he's shocked knowing he going to be a father.

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