He Returns

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 It's been 6 months since Rey has seen Armitage she's starting to get worried she's tried contacting but no response. She has organized all of the files and has pinpointed three locations on where the resistance base could be. She has also been training her force abilities. She regrets what happened between her and Ren four months ago but they never speak of it. Yes she enjoyed it very much and wishes it could happen again but knows it isn't right for either of them. The Admerial walks over and knocks on the office door. Yes who is it Rey says putting away the last of the files. It's me my lady I have important news you will be glad to hear. Rey walks out what is it. General Hux has returned he just boarded the ship still in the departure wing. From what I have been told he has to see supreme leader snoke before he does anything else. Rey's face lights up she finally gets to see him again and be in his arms. As she runs out of the hanger to go change to welcome her love home she runs into Ben.

Hey why are you in such a hurry Rey he asks her. Rey looks at him have you not heard Armitage has returned I'm going to change and welcome him home. Oh has he Ben says disappointed. What's with your tone she asks him concerned. Sorry just going to miss spending time with you I'm sorry it's nothing important. She looks at him hey it's okay we're still going to see each other on the ship and here but don't speak of it as she leans forward and kisses him before she walks to her chambers to change clothes.

While in the departure wing Hux goes straight to the throne room to report the missions success. As he enters he bows to Supreme Leader Snoke sir I have returned with news that they accept our offer the mission was a success. That is excellent news General and thanks to your girl we have pinpointed three locations on the location of the resistance base. That is good to hear supreme leader. You can go now General I will send for you if you are needed. Thank you sir he turns on his heel and walks out the door. Now second important thing to see my love. He walks to their chambers and walks inside. Rey you in here. She walks out in the dress he bought her and goes over and hugs and kisses him I've missed you so much. I've missed you to Rey you look amazing. Thank you my love. They hold each other as time stands still it seems I've brought you something he reaches in to his pocket and pulls out a diamond necklace with rubies lining around the diamond. It's beautiful Armitage, I love it. I'm glad here let me put it on you. She turns around and moves her hair out of the way as he places the necklace around her neck. She turns back around and kisses him.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Come in Hux says the doors open as Kylo Ren walks in General we are glad you have returned he's sees Hux and Rey holding each other I can see you two are busy I will leave you be. Ren something must be going on or you would not have came here what is it. Well if you insist I say we've found the exact location of the resistance base they are down there now if we don't take action we could miss this opportunity. Which one is this Rey asks Crait Ren responds. Rey looks confused no one's been there in months why now. Well we've been sending scouts as you've instructed and they returned with these they have had there base in plain sight inside this mountain side. Where they wouldn't expect us to look. Interesting and are you sure this is where they are. Yes my lady. Hux walks over to see what all is going on. Take action now don't give them a chance to prepare. Send fighters now. Also Ren im sending you as well. Yes General as you wish. Kylo walks out of their quarters as the door closes Armitage looks back at his love now i have heard you have been busy filing papers and scouting areas. Yes love. come i want to see what all you have done while i was away.

He puts his arm around her waist as they walk to his office in the main hanger. Upon entering he sees a file on the desk. Rey walks over confused on why this is out, I put this away this morning right before i was informed you returned. she opens it to see its the file on the resistance base Crait the one they just ordered an attack on. She starts to read it oh my god we have to go now. Hux looks at her why whats going on. their going right into an ambush. How are you certain Rey. He looks at her concerned as she hands him the file. there are only maybe ten people max at that base. the rest are heavy guns enough to blow this ship up. He gets pale in the face lets go we have to stop them. Hux grabs his transmitter radio. Ren can you read me. Yes general, whats is it? you and your fleet need to abort this mission now. Why why do we have to abort when we are this close to end this war against them. Because Ren if you carry this mission out you and your fleet are dead, now abort the mission now. there is no answer from Ren or the rest of his fleet. Hux gets aggravated that he isn't listening and runs to the front of the hanger

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