Rey, Hux, and Ren

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It's been six months since rey and hux got married. Rey and kylo still see each other in secret hux is preparing to leave on a mission that requires him to be fone for 4 months to a year max. Ren continues to teach rey combat restregnthing her skills to where she wont grow week like before. It's the day when Hux is to embark on this mission with his crew he wants Rey to go with him but refuses. Why dont you want to join me I promised you before I would show you the galaxy yet when I offer you refuse. So eone has to stay here and keep things in order Ar,itage you know this just as much as i do I'm sorry but maybe when we snuff the resistance then we can start embarking on seeing the galaxy together u till then i will stay on the finilazer keeping things in order. Hux is taken back from her response but just sighs wish you would reconsider but i know nothing i say or do will change your mind i love you Rey. I love you too Armitage.  He walks up to her and kisses her oh how are you coming on getting Ren to learn his place. He asks her concerned. She throws her head back in frustration  it's not going well it is but could be better he's not the easiest to work with. 

          As they wrap up there conversation Hux sees Ren walk in. Rey it's time for your training this morning. She will not be joining you today Ren she's accompanying me on this mission. Rey stands up no I'm not General I've told you multiple times today and last night I was not going with you on this mission what is so hard for you to understand.  Hux stands there getting aggravated do I need to give you an order and not give you a choice hux says to her. I dont want you staying here with him walking around do you understand. Ren watches as this unfold before him try stands up from the desk Armitage you need to understand that I am not one of your soldiers or member of your fleet that you can just command around I can and will make my own decisions. If you keep trying to control me like your soldiers then I dont see this marriage lasting you are always gone on some mission but just understand I can not be nor will allow my self to be controlled now if you will excuse me I have a traning session I must attend.

        Hux gets furious as he watches Rey walk towards Ren he watches as he takes her arm in his. Prepare my ship I want to leave and Admerial  do me a favor keep an eye on my wife if they do anything that breaks our marriage I want to know immediately do you understand. Yes General I will notify you immediately  if I find anything out.

Kylo leads Rey to the traning room once they are inside he shuts locks the door and shuts all the cameras off so no one spies on them.  Rey come here love he says to her gently she walks to him and places her arms around his neck I've missed you Ben I dont know how much more I can take of him controlling me like I'm just another solider. I know love but as long as I'm here I will protect you I always will love you I hope you know this. I know Ben I love you too they stare into each other's eyes then she kisses him passionately  on the lips he moans from her touch I've missed this so much I want to spend the evening and night with you let's take the day off from training  and get some dinner just the two of us. That sounds wonderful actually I have a gift for you waiting in my chambers. They walk hand in hand when they get to his chambers he goes to his bedroom and brings out a bag it has a short dress wedges and a sapphire necklace she loves it all as she gets dressed. They order in from the cafeteria and listen to music while drinking some wine. They've gone through two bottles and are cuddling each other he's taken her hair down letting it flow down her back. I love you Ben more than you know she says softly.  I love you too Rey come with me he says as he takes her hand and leads her to the bedroom.

He starts kissing her passionately  running his fingers through her hair caressing her as she caresses him as well. She gets up on his bed still kissing him he breaks away what are you doing Rey didn't think you wanted to go down this path again he says chuckling. You talk to much Ben she says as she kisses him again and again. He slides his hand up her leg under her dress she can tell he is getting hard wanting more and more of him she gets on top of him and unzips her dress and pulls it off of her as she slides his pants off of him. She kisses him again then goes down to his dick and starts sucking and teasing him, he moans from her every touch as he sits up and removes his shirt she can feel him throbbing in her mouth as she goes deep on him. She sits up and sits on his cock letting him feel the warmth of her pussy on him he moans wanting to flip her and fuck her again. She kisses him as she guides him in her he moans as well as she does. She rides him slow at first then gradually speeds up. He kisses her passionately  clawing her back with his nails from how good it all feels god  you have no idea how I've missed your touch. I want this to last babe I want you she says to him between moans. He doesn't waste any time he feels her cumming  on his cock he doesn't last much longer he knows he's not wearing a condom but he doesn't want her to move. She rides him a little rougher and starts rubbing her clit while on him he doesn't want her to stop rey I'm going to cum. She leans down and bites his neck leaving Mark's all over him do it please I want you she pants in his ear. It doesn't take much for him to cum in her he squeezes her against him kissing her fuck Rey I love you I love you too Ben. I'm yours

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