Inner War

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Hux watches as Ren leaves the room. Hux goes over to his wife's unconscious body he pulls her into his arms and holds her. Sweetheart can you hear me he moves hair from out of her face and kisses her lips please wake up. What feels like an eternity but only is a few minutes pass she starts to wake up Armitage  she whispers. Rey I'm here it's me Armitage she says again she puts her arms around his neck holding him. Rey I'm so sorry this has happened trust me he will pay for this. She looks him in the eyes honey I need to handle this you'll only anger him and he'll only get worse I can only stop him. Rey what are you saying. Honey nothing will stop him I assure you she says. Rey I don't want to lose you but I trust you know what your talking about. Now come here he says as he leans her down and kisses her passionately. They both have forgotten whose bed they are in but don't care all Hux cares about is holding and loving his wife. They exchange kiss after kiss he rubs his hand up her leg holding her kissing her passionately .  I love you Rey he says to her as he holds her close to him suddenly the door opens to Ren entering his chambers again. You haven't left I'm surprised They look at him hux gets red in the face as he just wants to shoot him Rey just has a disappointed sadden look on her. As they get up to leave they walk by him he lets them through but brushes his hand against hers she pulls away from Ren's grasp. They walk down the hall back to their reception ball to find the admerial running towards them. General My lady are you all alright. Yes Admerial we are okay just shooken up. Sir if I knew he was present I would have took greater security measures. Admerial save it theres nothing you or anyone could do we will just have to deal with it and hopefully he learns his place. 

          They leave their reception and head back to there chambers where he knows she is safe come here my love armitage says as he holds rey close to him i'm so sorry i failed at protecting you I love you and I'll better. Rey puts her finger on his lips to stop him from rambling on and on Honey it's okay you can't protect me every second of the day and anyway I can hold my own against him he trained me I know his weakness. I hope your right baby girl but i do know one thing I think you're his weakness. It'll be okay Armitage I promise I'll deal with him I promise I'll end what war he started you have my word. I love you Armitage trust me. I do trust you Rey it's him i dont trust I know you don't trust him Rey but do what you must do I'll support you just stay safe and don't leave me promise me you wont leave me. I promise Armitage im yours forever and always. 

                 It's been two weeks since Rey and Hux wedded since the return of Kylo Ren since the war started between the three of them. Rey has no idea how she will stop him or get him to calm down about her being with Hux and she wonders why he is so angry about it all. She knows she has to confront him and more likely will be today since she begins her training again. She looks over at her sleeping husband and gives him as kiss as she gets up showers and puts her training attire on fastens her saber to her hilt. She leaves their chambers and begins walking down the corridors to the training room. the lights are off which she can only tell no ones been there. she activates the battle droid and begins trying new techniques while working on mastering her old ones.  She focuses in so much she doesn't realize she is being watched from the entrance. She fumbles during a turn and ends up getting hit with a blast from the droid she grabs her side when she suddenly sees a blaster round go by her and destroy the droid infront of her. Maybe you should work on focusing where its going to shoot at you instead of trying a new technique without a master. She freezes temporarily cause she knows whos voice that is but she doesn't fear him. I didnt hear you come in Kylo she says hastly. What happened to you calling me Ben did I lose your trust. He walks up to her and stands infront of her let me see your side if its alright. She removes her hand as he steps closer It looks like it just grazed you no blood so thats good should be alright. She glances up at him and gives him a slight smile. I've missed you Ben she says softly but I'm married now. Follow me he says as he takes her hand and walks towards the locker room. Where are we going she says No where special just a place where we have some privacy for a little while. As they enter the locker room he shuts and locks the door and turns the lights off but the wall lights.  I'm sorry for the other night he says as he gently places his hands on her upper arms. I am too Ben I shouldnt' have argued with you nor disrespected you like I did. It's okay love I promise. and I still love you Rey even while I was away on that stupid mission Hux sent me on I never stopped thinking about you. I know Ben I could feel your connections while you was away.  Rey I know what I want to do isn't correct or right but something inside me is telling me its right.  She steps closer to him and puts her arms around his neck talk to me Ben whats going through your mind.  I can't explain it rey i don't know how to explain it he says to her softly. Just try your best Ben I'm listening. he leans his head back is frustration I'm going to regret what I'm about to do. she plays with his hair gently to calm him down It's okay Ben I promise just relax your tensed up. I know but i have to fight back my emotions cause of you I want you Rey you know this you know my weakness and its you I melt when I'm around you. Ben I'm sorry No don't be he says to her as he pulls her towards him and kisses her passionately. she takes a deep breath in wanting to pull away but doesn't she returns the kiss multiple times as he gives them. he holds her tightly and close to him not wanting to let go. I love you Rey I know you do Ben I do too just have to keep it on the down low so no one knows or suspects anything. He kisses her again and again caressing her wanting more but tries to show some restraint. rey i want more than this when can i have you again. One day Ben be patient.  He kisses her again. Oh quick question do you want to properly train with your master or deal with one of those stupid battle droids again. she laughs at his question id rather train with you being honest. then lets get to it he says as he pushes her against the wall and kisses her again. Interesting kind of training she says between kisses. Well how are you going to get out of my grasp do you not remember anything I have taught you he says as he kisses her again getting closer to her not wanting to let go off her. She looks at his eyes hypnotizing like always she wants this but knows its wrong and against the vows she gave to Armitage Hux. She drops to the ground to slip underneath him Well thats not exactly how i taught you but it works even though i wish you didn't move. I know but as you also know i'm married can't get to worked up or our secret will be spilled for everyone to know. Are you the devious one now he chuckles as he ignites his saber and starts swinging it at her she draws her saber and begins to defend herself You got to know your opponent better than this or you will be on the floor before you could blink he says as he starts getting more forceful in his attacks.  She struggles to defend herself against him take it easy Ben she says out of breath. If your in a battle your enemy will not take it easy on you defend yourself do as I taught you before I know you remember defeat your master show me you have it in you. She tries but grows tired and weak her leg gives from underneath of her as she falls to the floor she holds her saber against his locking them together she struggles to hold him back. Ben I can't fight back anymore she says as she turns her saber off. He pulls back so he doesn't hurt her. What happened to you you used to be stronger than this what did he do to you to cause you to lose your talent. I'm sorry I failed you master forgive me she says avoiding eye contact knowing if she was in a battle she would be dead right now. It's okay I'm not mad just worried. I do know for sure if we ever go into a fight you are not going in it no if ands or buts do you understand. Yes master Ren I do. here he extends his arm for her to take as he lifts her off the  floor he can tell she is still weak and tired. he picks her up and carries her to her chambers get some rest I love you he whispers to her as he kisses her cheek he puts her down as she goes inside. 


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