Chapter 18: Gosh, I hate you

Start from the beginning

"Woah, is this how you plan on beating me up?" his perverted eyes scan my body shamelessly. "Because then I don't mind if you do any day."

"Stand up," I command him and ignore his comment.

"What?" he stares at me with dumbfounded expression. "Are you serious?"

"I said get up," my voice comes stern and impatient. I motion with my hands to tell him to stand up.

After releasing a soft chuckle, shaking his head with a sigh and smirk, he finally stands to his feet and faces me arms crossed. "Now what?"

"Hit me," I tell him and cross my arms.

"I'm not about to hit a —"

"A girl," I finish the infamous line for him. "We know that. But when a girl tells you to hit her, you hit her." I swiftly crouch down to swipe an extended leg beneath his feet, catching him off guard and sending him plummeting on his back.

"Ouch," he grunts in pain. "What the hell was that for?"

"Stand up," I tell him once more, and this time he obliges without hesitation.

"You really are something," he cracks his knuckles and throws a quick jab to my jaw.

The impact causes me to stumble back a bit but I am quick to regain my composure. "Ouch! Dude, you broke my jaw!" I fake a painful whimper.

Colton easily buys my act and steps to closer to me with regretful eyes."Dude, I'm sorry, I —"

I cut him off by sending a jab of my own to his ribcage, causing him to now stumble with an arm latched to his side, and before he can retaliate, I press my back onto his chest, wrap my arm around his neck, and flip him over, making him land on his back once more.

"Your mother should have told you to never hit a girl," I crouch beside his face and slap him twice playfully on the cheek. "And you should hit the gym, you just got beat up by a girl." I snicker and stand up to walk away.

"Not so fast," before his words sink in, he grabs my ankle and pulls it, making me fall on my stomach. "I underestimated you." He quickly flips me over and puts both his knees on the side of my hips and his hands pin mine on the ground above my head.

"Gosh, I hate you," I roll my eyes at him. "Just get off me," I grunt.

"What's going on here?"

Colton loses focus on me while searching for the owner of the voice, and I take that opportunity to flip him and myself over so that I now cradle him and he's on his back. "Shouldn't have lost your focus, Princess," I wink at him and stand up, only to see Tristan, Jordan, Chase, Sam, Tyler and Sean, staring between Colton and I.

"See you guys later," I break the silence between the exchanging eyes and walk away, not before grabbing my shirt.

"Wait, Hailey!" I hear Sam shout my name behind me and I hesitantly stop in my tracks.

"Oh, hey Sam," I smile at her before tugging strands of hair behind my ear. "Do you need anything?"

"Not really," she shakes her haid. "The boys and I are hanging out at Tristan's place tonight, and I was wondering if you would come? Y'know before college begins next week."

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