the dark black hair and the tattoos you can see on his neck, making him wonder how many tattoos he has on other parts on his body.

the earrings that make him look even more attractive.

he's the hottest guy that he has ever seen.

"are you sure?"


taehyung watches him as he inhales the cigarette smoke and lets it out of his lungs again. he looks so fucking sexy.

"tell me sweetie. why are you here?"

taehyung tummy tingles. what the fuck is this feeling? his tummy has never tingled before just because of a name he's been called.

"um, me and my parents have just moved here. but sometimes they can be- um... not really nice. so i just wanted to go out but i was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't really notice where i was going. then this man called me and i got so scared that i ran away. and now i'm here."

"your parents did that to you?"

"yeah my dad."

"why did he do that?"

"i dropped a box with lamps. they probably broke." he laughs at that.

"your dad is an asshole."

taehyung looks at him in disbelief. "how can you say that without knowing him?"

"i don't have to know him or see him. he's an asshole."

"if you say so... but he's my dad you know? it's not nice from you to talk about him like that."

"he hurts you."

"yeah, but i deserve it."

the stranger doesn't say anything anymore. he knows that if he would say something, he would say too much.

"so naive. and innocent."

"innocent? i'm not innocent.", taehyung says but the stranger just chuckles. "forget about it."

"i like you." the boy almost smiles at that again and he can't help but to think about how cute taehyung is.

"what is your name?"

"taehyung." such a beautiful name. like it was made for him.

"well taehyung.. i'm not nice. you don't know me.", he says. he hates to admit that he already likes him. but he knows that he can't be friends with him. he knows that he has to stay away from him.

"you are.", he says "and i'm glad that you're here because i feel safe now. if i was alone i probably freaked out."

"you feel safe because i'm here?", he chuckles again. "what if i did something to you right now?"

"but you won't right?" the stranger looks at him for a few seconds, before shaking his head and looking away. "i won't."

"thank you. and by the way your laughing is very cute.", taehyung says to him. "god kid. don't be so nice to me. and did you just call me cute?"

"not you, but your laugh. and why are you calling me a kid? we're probably the same age. how old are you?"

"19 you?"

"17. two years are not enough to call me a kid."

"okay, i'm sorry.", he replies and stops himself from smiling.

"come. i will take you home. do you know your adress?" taehyung nods and tells him his adress. "do you know where that is?"



they almost reached taehyung's house, you can see it already from where they're standing.



"we'll probably never see each other again. just wanted to tell you that."

"but why?" he really enjoyed talking to the hot stranger and he thinks he's much more than just interesting.

his mysterious art... and the ways he called taehyung.. taehyung already feels kind of attracted to him.

and besides that, he doesn't have any friends here. so having the stranger as a friend would make him really happy.

"you can say goodbye now if you want.", the stranger says and taehyung nods sadly.

"goodbye, i really enjoyed talking to you."

he smiles.

"what is your name?", taehyung asks. "jeongguk." taehyung can feel something weird inside of him. it's such a beautiful name and suits him so much.

jeongguk doesn't say anything anymore before walking to the other side of the street, leaving taehyung alone.

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