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Hey guys! Thank you for still reading! I will add some Sokeefe and Sophitz moments! I hope you enjoy reading this! If you read this, comment or vote, I will write your name in my next author's note!

Sophie woke up to two, very adorable boys, hugging her against them. She smiled as she heard an, "awwwww..." coming from someone else in the room. She looked up to see Biana, Della, Linh, Maruca, Marella, and even Stina by the doorway. She signaled then to be quiet. Fitz and Keefe slowly women up to see the entire room full of people stare at them. She thought of how cute they were with their bed hair. Keefe grinned.

"Looks like everybody is looking at my handsomeness and The Hair's glorious looks," Keefe said, pretending to flip his hair. He accidentally slapped Fitz in the face. Fitz slapped Keefe back. "Oh it's so on!" Keefe replied to the hit. It became a game of everyone hitting and smacking people's faces. After a while, everyone was laughing and decided to play a game.

"What's about spin the bottle," Sophie suggested.

"What's that?" Keefe asked.

Sophie regretted the decision and replied," Nothing."

"Surely it's something, " Keefe grinned.

"Let's first change and we can play it afterwards, " Biana helped Sophie to get out of the humiliation. They all agree and went to change out of their pj's. Sophie explained the rules. "First we may kiss anywhere and after the first round, we have to do it on the lips," Biana challenged. Everyone reluctantly agreed with a lot of grumbling. First it was Biana's turn. She spun and got Tam. He looked extremely grumpy as she quickly kissed his hand. He didn't seem to want to offend her, so when she wasn't looking he quickly wiped it away. Tam spun and got to his delight, Marella. He happily, pretending to be grumpy as he kissed her cheek. They both slightly turned pink. Marella had to kiss Stina ( which was super awkward), Stina kissed Keefe, Keefe kissed Sophie, Sophie kissed Fitz, Fitz kissed Maruca, and Marica kissed Wylie (which was slightly awkward), and Wylie kissed Linh. Linh kissed Dex, and he kissed Biana, joyfully.They repeated with the lips and decided to end the awkward game. Della came in afterwards and told them they would be allowed to sleep with anyone they chose. Sophie went with Keefe and Fitz, Biana with Dex, Marella with Tam and Linh, and Wylie with Maruca. I am very well aware that Wylie and Maruca are cousins, since they are family, I decided to have them sleep together. Stina slept alone. Ah... She deserved that. She should be alone. I know she is in Team Valiant, but she is a terrible person. Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe went to Fitz's bedroom.

"Fitz, would you want to do some Cognate exercises with me?"

"Of course, Sophie. I would gladly," Fitz mused.

"Great. I will have to survive with you two staring into each other's eyes," Keefe rolled his eyes.

"Actually Keefe, I would need your help, as well. Could you track.our emotions to see if we are lying about the questions we ask each other? "

"Sure," came the reply.

Fitz and Sophie

Do you want to start?

Sure. What is that secret you have been wanting to tell me?

"I am sensing a lot of dread," Keefe told them.

You still don't want to tell me?

It's just.... You might not want to be friends with me anymore.

Nothing can change that, Sophie.

Can I say this in Keefe's mind?

Whatever makes you comfortable. They asked for permission to enter his mind, which he let them, as long as they didn't search his memories.


Look. I have been meaning to say this for a very long time. I have had a crush on you Fitz, since we have met. Keefe, my heart doesn't flutter for you, but you have also always been there for me. I love you both, just please don't hate me for this.

We would never hate you. I love you too, Sophie. Ever since we were in Alluveterre. You are the sweetest, kindest, most lovable girl I have met. I will go whatever pace you set for us.

Hey we won't judge you for that. I have liked you forever. I was just worried you wouldn't feel the same way. I knew you probably would end up with Fitzy.

" Good night, guys. I love you," she said aloud.

"Sweet dreams, Sophie. We love you too," the boys said in sync. They both kissed Sophie on the cheek and went to bed. She dreamed of black cloaked figures binding her to chairs and sweet sedatives soaked in a cloth, pressed over her nose. She woke up to the two boys glancing worriedly at her.

"I will monitor your dreams and send you better ones," Fitz decided.

"And I will send you cool breezes to help calm you down," Keefe concluded. She fell asleep and whenever the nightmares wanted to come back, Fitz and Keefe made them recede. It was all okay, until Sophoe woke up to the sounds of screams the second time this week. Maruca and Wylie had been abducted.

Hey guys! Sorry (not) about the cliffhanger, but I swore on the River Styx, so you can't complain. Hope you enjoy my present to you for the holidays! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Bye guys! Remember to comment, vote, and keep reading!

KOTLC Ships- Finding Wylie [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang