Unsettled Hearts

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Gi Kwang POV'S


I automatically got up being alarmed of Yoseobies loud voice that still ringing in my ears.

"Aish(expression of being irritated or mad), Yah Yoseobie . Why you have to shout at me like that? oh,? you should have only shook me". I said to him while rubbing my eyes.

"Wahh, Yah (Hey)Gi Kwanga why are you sleeping in the first place anyway?? didn't you know Woonie here had hard time waking you up". He reasoned out pointing Woonie who was acting weird.

"Wae? (Why) I asks Woonie directly but he only turned his gaze away from me.

"Yah(hey), Look at this guy. So-

"Hyeung(elder brother), Stop it, Gi Kwang hyeung had to be ready for his part right?

Woonie said interrupting Yoseobie.

"Yeah, your right. Gi Kwanga get ready they'll shoot your part any moment now". Yoseobie said.

"Gi Kwang-ssi let get you ready, Okay" one of Nuna said. Then the noisy Yoseobie had gone.

"Okey, I said letting the staff do their magic.

Still, woonie was sitting on the couch while stealing glances at me. Its kind a weird you know, Woonie was a noisy person at this point in time but now he was just seatting there being so quite.

"Gi Kwanga-ssi what happened to your lips? the make-up artist Noona asks me.

"Waeyo? (Why) I  asks. Scanning my face in the mirror.

"Its bleeding, did you bump hard to something that cut you lips without knowing? Nuna asks again.

I touch my lips, and yes there was a cut but just small. But, why? Where did I get it. I wonder.

"Oh, maybe when I suddenly got up Nuna, I may have bite my lips without knowing". I said.

"Its that so, Okay, then lets put something to hide it. So it can't be seen" Nuna said, while applying something so the cut can't be seen.

I glance at the mirror and look at Wonnie, he was covering his mouth with his hand.

"Woonie? You okay?? I ask him wondering what wrong with him.

"I-Im fine hyeung (elder brother) I just remember something" he replied trying to make a smile.

The staff had done preparing my make up and clothes.

"Gi Kwanga-ssi are you ready? one of the directors assistant called.

"Yeh, Hyeung(elder brother)" I replied taking my way to the scence. I look at Woonie but he was no longer there.

"Nuna, have you seen Dong Woon? I asks.

"Dong Woon? Ah, he went to the comfort room just a while ago".

"Ah, okay, Thanks". Really, Woonie was acting weird today.

Dong Woon POV's

Hyeung (elder brother) was looking at me through the mirror but I can't look at him straight, my heart still beating fast.

"Calm, Dong Woon". I thought.

"Gi Kwanga-ssi what happened to your lips? the make-up artist Nuna asks Hyeung.

I unconsiously covered my mouth. My heart pound harder that I can't settled myself.

"Ottokae?". I thought

Complicated Couples (비 스트)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora