Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

The next morning was just crazy. I had woken up half an hour to early and Loona wasn't at her usual spot at breakfast. She hadn't really been there for awhile if I really think about. She was always going out super early and coming back super late. Wonder what she's up to? Anyways, school was an even worse disaster. I had walked up to my friends at lunch and it was like they were all different people. Seokjin and Namjoon seemed to be very awkwardly sitting next to each other, Yoongi and Hoesok were sending glare at each other for ten minute straight and Jimin seemed to look like his heart just got broken.

"What's up with them?" Taehyung whispered to me as he sat down next to me, Lisa and Jennie following behind him but holding each other's hands?

"I don't know it's been like this since I got here." He whispered back.  After awhile Taehyung couldn't take it anymore.

"WHATS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU!" Taehyung screamed, smashing his hand on the table, making everyone look at them. "Sorry, but for reals what's up, you guys seem really out of it."

"Nothing," They all said in unison. Then they all sat there being all sad again until Jin left and started walking with some random boy and that's when Namjoon let his head fall on the table with a groan.

"Hey, what happened?" Jungkook asks and that's when Namjoon told them why he was so sad.

Namjoons POV

I got to the party early since Jimin wanted me to help him set up things. That's when I noticed Jin setting by the pool by himself. I walked over and sat next to him. "Hey" I said.

"Hey Namjoon! Finally someone's here," he said. Then we just sat there, it was kinda awkward. I really like Jin, today is going to be the day I confess, no matter what happens. As I finally get the courage to say something he starts to speak, "Hey Marvel!" He said I turned around and I saw a dark blonde haired dude. "Oh Namjoon, this is Hwang Myung-Hoon"

"You can just call me big marvel" he said, I then extended my hand. " Hi, I'm Namjoon" and he shook it.

"Nice to meet you," he said

"Come on baby, I got to show you something," Jin then said. Baby I thought, they must be dating. I looked down as my eyes started to water. But I wasn't gonna cry, Jin was happy with that dude so I should be too.

Two hours later

I was wasted, maybe eighteen shots wasn't a good idea. I could barely see, I soon tried to get up and that's when I past out on the floor.

I woke up to a dark room and I saw a person sitting at the edge with their head on the bed. I tried taking a better look at the person as my vision was still a bit blurry. I leaned to far and I fell off the bed. Then the person woke up, "Oh my gosh Namjoon,"

That voice I started to think, it was Jin's, no doubt about it. He then helped me back up onto the bed. "Jin, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"You past out when me and marvel where about to leave so I brought you up here and he told me to stay here with you,"

"Oh" I said kinda embarrassed as I scratch the back of my neck. We just sat there, then he asked if I was ok and of course I said yes and then he brought me soup, which I was every grateful for. I knew this was the only time I was ever gonna get so I took it.



"Jin I like you, like a lot,"

"I know"

"But like, not just as friends- wait what do you mean I know?"

"Namjoon, I've always known, you're always blushing when I'm around but not with others, you're always fiddling with your fingers, and I heard you say it when you were talking about confessing to me with Jimin," he said with a smile on his face.

"Well why didn't you say anything?" I asked and that's when his smile disappeared and he took both my hands with his.

"Namjoon the reason I didn't say anything was because one it would've been awkward and two," he said looking down, avoiding all eye contact with me, "two is because I already have a boyfriend and I like him a lot. I didn't want to hurt you, I just couldn't do that to you. So I waited so that you could tell me but I'm still hurting you now. I'm sorry, I just don't have the same feelings as you do."

That's when I realized that I would rather myself hurt then him. "Hey," I said lifting his chin so he could look at me, "it's okay, I understand, you don't have to feel the same way. You don't have to, but we can still be friends right?"

"Right!" He said and hugged me, which caught me by surprised, but I hugged back either way feeling my eyes tear up but I held them in,"Thank you for understanding." He said and he broke the hug. "I've got to go now my shift starts in a few minutes but I hope you get better," and he left. Once I heard the front door close I broke letting my tears fall until I feel asleep once again.

*End of Flashback
Third Person POV

"Dang, well how are you hanging up?" Jungkook asked

"It could be better, I just need time," He said with a little chuckle, but he sounded so sad. Then the bell rung and they walked out of the cafeteria.

When they got out they saw Jin and Big Marvel saying goodbye and then they kissed. They all looked at Namjoon and he smiled, which they all knew was fake, "Come on guys, let's go," he said as he started walking again with his hands clenched on his sides.

 They all looked at Namjoon and he smiled, which they all knew was fake, "Come on guys, let's go," he said as he started walking again with his hands clenched on his sides

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