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I was with Mikasa. She was drunk and clingy. She took me to her place. "You know you should work for me". She laughed. "Hmm... What do you do beautiful"? I asked. She hugged my waist. "It's a secret. Kiss me and I'll tell you pretty boy". Mikasa said. I laughed. "I don't kiss on the second date". I smiled. "Please...". She begged. I heard noise downstairs. I sent the warning to come. "I want to have fun. I want to see if those pants are tight. Or is it really that big". She flirted. It's kinda like me dealing with drunk Katsuki. "Be careful what you ask for darling". I said. There's nothing down here but some rolled up socks. She kissed my cheek. "Fuck me Midoriya". She mumbled in my ear. "You smell like Scotch". I laughed. The burst open and I looked her out. "Jeez! I thought I might have to find a dick somewhere". I said. "Good job (Y/n)". One of my Senpai's said. I smiled. A couple hours later I went home. "Kacchan! Do you think I should leave my hair short"? I asked walking in. "No! I've been confused this entire time"! Katsuki yelled. I laughed. I smiled. A week later my hair grew back out. I was sitting on top of our building. I actually noticed a couple people live here. They looked at me swinging my legs on top of the roof.

"Hi"! I smiled down at them. "An angel"? Someone mumbled. "(Y/n) what the fuck are you doing up there!? Get the hell down"! Katsuki said. "Will you catch me if I fall"? I asked. "No". Katsuki said. I did a trust fall off the roof. Everyone screamed who saw and I landed in the arms of Katsuki. I smiled. "I thought you said-". He let go of me. I fell ass first onto concrete. I frowned. "Kacchan". I moaned in pain. "Fuck". Katsuki mumbled. The next day we met up with the class. "Look at these weddings dresses"! Ashido said. "... You brought those"? I asked. "Yes"! Hagakure yelled. "I can only imagine how being engaged is like! How romantic is it? Do you guys be all lovey dovey"? Urarka asked me.

"Uh... Not really. We just hang". I said. "I resent that"! Katsuki yelled. "Hmm"? I asked. "I brought you flowers"! Katsuki said. "Kacchan a fan gave you flowers and you threw them at me when I said you guys looked cute". I mumbled. "You're a ass". Sero said. "Shut up elbows"! Katsuki growled. I smiled at him. I looked at the dresses. "Do they have short wedding dresses"? I asked. "Short"? Jirou asked. "I don't like wearing long dresses. I can't fight in them". I said. "You do know it's your wedding and now a mission right"? Izuku asked. "Also I don't want my wedding dress to be white. White is a symbol of a virgin. I'm not". I said.

"Actually since I took your virginity. I'm pretty sure you can still wear white". Katsuki said. "Have you guys ever thought about that a wedding is just a ceremony that tell people you're about to have sex"? Kaminari asked. "All the time". I said. "It's crazy how long you two have been together honestly". Shoji said. "Right! Kacchan why aren't you tired of me"? I asked. "Every day is a struggle". Katsuki joked. "Do you every think about all the people you could have dated"? Asui asked. "What do you mean"? I asked. "A lot of people had a crush on you". Asui said. "Really? Who"? I asked. All of the class raised there hand but Izuku and Katsuki. My eyes widen along with Izuku. "It's like that shitty hair"? Katsuki asked sounding kinda hurt. "Man! It was before I knew you liked her. After that I just wanted you and (Y/n) together"! Kirishima said. "Todoroki what the heck"? Izuku asked. "She reminds me of you and you two share great similarities. One of thing's I fell in love with about you. Was your smile... She has it as well". Todoroki said. "Jeez why didn't know one tell me I was that hot in high school"!? I asked. "I did". Katsuki said.

"Bakugo why didn't you raise your hand"? Iida asked. "Because unlike you shitty extras. I never had a fucking crush on (Y/n). I loved her from day one". Katsuki said. I blushed.  "I think all of you guy's are really hot too"! I smiled. "Bitch thought. Think is is used as a present tense". Katsuki said. "I still think they're hot". I said. Katsuki looked at the wedding dresses I was looking at. "Isn't it bad luck to look at these"? I asked. "I don't believe in the crap and it's bad luck to see you in it before the wedding". Katsuki said. "We basically have everything down accept for a date". I said. "It has to be next year". Katsuki said. "Either January or November". I said. "January 6th or November 12th". Katsuki asked. "I don't know". I said.

"Well the sooner I marry you the better". Katsuki said. "Awesome so January 6th. I'll get us a permit to have the wedding in the woods". I said. "Ok baby". Katsuki said. "Alright let's talk about the bachelorette party"! Hagakure said. "That sounds great. Bakugo. Kirishima and I found this amazing place". Kaminari said. Katsuki groaned. "Plenty of strippers"! Mineta said. "Looks like you're going to have fun Kacchan"! I smiled. "If I wanted to see stripers I'll make you do it. You're more flexible and when your clothes come off it turns me on more". Katsuki said. "Do me favor and pretend like you're enjoying it". I said. "Yeah Bakubro! Kaminari and I are working really hard! It's going to be more than just stripers. We'll have fun I promise"! Kirishima said. "Izuku are you coming to my are Kacchan's party"? I asked.

"Hmm... I'm not a fan of male stripers". Izuku mumbled. "Alright so us and Aoyama and the rest of the guys... Please don't get in trouble". I said. "Same goes for you nerd. Don't get drunk and end up in America on our wedding day". Katsuki said. "Unlike you bae. I can handle my liquor". I stuck my tongue out at him.

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