Chapter Seven - Iris

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Liam was pleased to see relaxed faces, comforting smiles, and no trace of the idea to gawk.
"I am not sure how much Liam has told you about the Crater, but this is our home. The apartment is the third from the right the sixth one up, as you can probably tell, there are no stairs at all. That is because we climb our way up, it's not as difficult as it seems. I promise. You will sleep in you own bedroom, it's pretty large. But you will help with chores, there's not a lot to do. And you will accompany us to work," I informed Elouise who nodded along.
"Cool," she said dully, nodding her head. I smacked my hand together in preparation to climb the wall.
"You can ride on my back," I offered. She nodded, climbing on as I stooped down. I grabbed the first crevice. Making my way slowly to the last, Liam and Apple behind me, and Elouise on top of me, her heart racing against my back.
Liam boosted me up using his free hand. I let Elouise go first, climbing onto the small porch, then I reached down to help Liam. He shook his head to signal he didn't want or need my help. Obviously he didn't want a woman's help. He normally wasn't like this around me, but he was around other people. I sighed twisting the opposite direction to help Apple, who has never had to climb a wall like this because of the fact she lives on a lot. Her normally strong figure was shaking like she had been electrocuted. I wrapped my figures around her waist using as much strength as I could to pull her up. Once high enough Liam helped by pushing her feet upward. Apple scrambled to find her balance again on the porch, but helped me up. Liam was left to struggle to find his bearings on his own, that made me smile. Swinging the window open, Apple allowed me to take the first step into the apartment.
"So this is the crib," I announced to the rest of the group tumbling in. I noticed right away that Liam had swept up the popcorn and folded the blanket (we were using last night). Elouise seamed to not have feelings toward the apartment.
"So to the right is Liam and I's bedroom, and your bedroom is to the left. Bathroom is the door closest to the refrigerator, kitchen, office, livingroom," I explain pointing to the kitchen first, then the desk put against the wall, and the living room in the front room  next to us.
"How 'bout I help set you up your room, while Iris and Liam talk about the arrangement? You were kind of unexpected!" giggled Apple joyously. Elouise smiled politely as Apple beamed as she led Elouise down the  left hallway. Once they had disappeared down the hallway, Liam glared at me.
"What?" I inquired, folding my arms across my chest. Liam rolled his eyes, leaning on the counter top. "Will you stop acting snooty and just say your piece, because we don't have a lot of time!" I hissed.
"I don't understand you!"
"Okay well do you have to 'understand' me?"
"No. I don't have to understand you," argued Liam, turning towards me. "But I have to know where you are."
"Is this about the sleepover with Apple? Because, really, come on'. You need to know where I am, at all times, wow that says a lot about your personality,"
"No! This is not about the sleepover. I need to know where you are mentally, because you're acting crazy!"
"Okay, I am sorry about the 'thing' with Elouise but-" Liam held up a hand interrupting me.
"Don't 'but' me. Explain to me what that 'thing' was. I've never seen you act that way." A lump in my throat closed off my lungs, disabling me to form sentences.
"We will talk about this later," I whispered, tears welling in my eyes. I could barely talk. I rushed past Liam. Ducking out the window, I hurried down the rock wall. I climbed back down the stone wall, sliding into one of the many black metal chairs, surrounding the waterfall, before bursting into tears. I covered my face in shame, as red blotches popped up around forehead. Sobbing onto arms in a public place was not ideal but it was all I had left.
"Hey, are you okay?" a quiet voice spoke up.
"I am fine," I said harshly.
"You don't look fine." I shut my eyes letting the last of my tears fall before poppin my head back.
"I'm fine," I sniffled. My eyes opened slowly. I was in shock when I saw the small figure in front of me.
"How can I make the situation better?" carried on Elouise.
"Wow, what an impression I've made for myself to you. I've stared at you like a crazy person - sorry about that by the way- and you had to deal with me and Liam-"
"It's Liam and I."
"Right, thank you, Liam and I fighting and now I'm crying and instead helping you, you're helping me."
"I know."
"You know what?" I asked suddenly confused.
"I know that family sticks together," she whispered.
"You know?" I shrieked, slapping a hand over my mouth as soon as I said it.
"Quiet! Apple told me!" hissed Elouise.
"You know." I crumbled. I was in tears again and hugging Elouise like I thought someone was going to take her away.
"It's okay." I pulled away from the embrace, steading my breath.
"What are we going to do?"
"We are going to fight," concluded Elouise.

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