"Enjoying the beverages, my friend?"

Jisung had known someone had been watching him for two minutes, but they hadn't done anything about it until now. He... didn't mind. "Oh, yes. It's quite good, the champagne."

Jisung turned fully around and dropped his glass.

The boss of his old gang grinned at him.

"Mark Lee..." he muttered, quietly on instinct, because the crash was still reverberating and dozens of people were watching their conduct.

Jisung's eyes shot up to the windows, he looked to the entrances and exits, he glanced at the people around him, in some semblance of panic. He then took two steps back from Mark Lee and took a running leap towards the stage, where the two CEOs were standing and staring at them.


The fuse wasted away...


His body was blown sideways by sheer heat and force. Other explosions went off by the walls and from the ceilings. The bombs couldn't have been planted there with intent to kill, because they had gone off so near to them that they all would have died, Lee included, in the explosion. If RFN wanted to kill, they didn't give a flying fuck who'd be caught in the onslaught, even their own members.

Jisung could hardly open his eyes, there were chunks of plaster falling down from the ceiling and hitting people, spreading dust and powder everywhere. He was also feeling slightly drowsy, so RFN had apparently also released some sort of gas. Or maybe he was drunk.


He crawled to the side, encountering some wheezing bodies until he found a table and went under it to fully get his bearings.

He'd been flung sideways a distance of five meters, approximately, and his side was beginning to feel that now. No matter.

There was nothing to be seen through the haze. "Fuck," he cussed out loud, then again and again. So RFN was running ops in the same place he was, at the same time. Were they trying to sabotage his mission, or were they here simply coincidentally? There was little chance of that, as the person who had been tailing Jisung earlier had obviously been with them.

Would RFN kidnap the leadership of the merging companies? Did they have something to lose in the merger? SKS was a Korean company, where RFN were based... perhaps those accusations about weapon manufacture hadn't been fabricated.

Alternatively, were they just running a petty kidnapping? They could milk huge amounts of money from ransoming the leadership of these huge companies.

(Well, Jisung was running a petty assassination, but the leader of RFN himself coming along with backup and bombers made it even pettier.)

The dust was beginning to clear, so Jisung hurried to get up and look around, people were coughing and hacking, bleeding, and one or two bodies littered the ground. Jisung could tell they were dead. The grey marbled floor was white and red in the aftermath.

There was suddenly something cold against his throat. He almost laughed at himself. "Aftermath"? They hadn't even gotten to the point yet. And there was a knife threatening his windpipe.

"You've become so petty," said Jisung carefully, feeling the little cut on his throat widen with every word.

"And you've become so weak," replied Lee. Jisung felt as though the knife had been redirected to and penetrated his stomach. Weakness. Weakness. Weak.

"You're weak." Another hit and another and another, over and over till you're worthy.

"You'll be strong now." His previous tutor's last words before Jisung had killed him.

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