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"Yes sir, it appears seokjin and his friends have  disapered" one of the butlers say "HE LEFT!?" the alpha king shouts but the butler shakes his head.

"We have evidence of what happened on the security cameras" the butler said, then picked up the tablet sitting on the table and showed him the footage

The video consisted of three masked figures (Oh yeah, they were wearing masks, I forgot to tell you) Shooting a window, snooping around and last of all, hitting his son over the head with a baseball bat.

"Those pricks" the alpha said through gritted teeth. "So his friends left to find him, we assume" butler said, bowing head.

"who's gonna take over the pack now?" He asked in frustration as the butler raised an eyebrow "with all do respect sir aren't you worried about your son, you are his father"
He asked "no, I don't fucking care, now try and find out who these three bastards are!" He screamed as the butler scurried off

"Shoot, what am I supposed to do now?"

"And, shoot"

Namjoon was teaching one of the newer students part of his army how to use a type of gun they just frequently received.

She pulled the trigger and it landed on the target a little far from the centre "Yes! You got" he congratulated, high fiving his student

"Now keep practicing,  your so close to being perfect" namjoon said, grabbing a water bottle "You've got raw talent kid, what made you want to join us?" He asked the 19 year old

"My pack always told me that a girl couldn't fight, so they never let me battle, and forced me to stay home and learn how to clean, cook and sew, the last straw was when they tried to get me to marry this 30 year old dude, then I ran away and joined you" she smiled, happy that she finally found a place were she could be who she was supposed to be.

"Well, keep this up and we might give you your first mission early " namjoon smiled, showing his dimples as the girls eyes light up. "Really!?" She exclaimed as namjoon nodded "Now practice" namjoon said as they both laughed and the girl picked the gun up again.

Namjoon then left the training area.

He walked down the hall and into the garden, a smile still ghosting on his face, but it soon faded as he heard a scream.

He ran in the direction of shriek, it lead outside his area, he wasn't supposed to care but the scream sounded so scared that namjoon decided to run out the gates

That's when he saw it.

An omega in the middle of a bunch of alphas and betas

They were trying to gang rape a defenceless omega......

Namjoon felt his blood boil "Hey fucktards!" He shouted slowly approached the gang

"What do you want?" One of them shouted, he looked like the leader "leave him alone" namjoon said, voce like poison  "and what are you gonna do about it?" He asked, way to cocky of himself.

"Don't underestimate me"he warned but they just laughed it off and went back to preying on the male omega.

The omega cried in fear as they crowed him again, he tried to push them away but they were too strong.
"Leave him alone!" Namjoon shouted, getting angryer by the second

He was trying his hardest not to rip these guys apart but he promised himself, he promised mona that he would never hurt someone unless it was necessary.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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