Holiday cheer- Josephine Montilyet

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A few thing's i want to mention before you read on to this chapter is- I'm going to be taking a break from updating this story to work on my Sally Face  x reader story, Stereotype weirdo, and also a new story I'd like to come out with. Until then, this story will also be uploaded onto a site called Quotev- so if you prefer reading stories on there, for whatever reason, now you can read this story on there!

Also, head's up, this chapter is a smut chapter in celebration of Christmas/Hanukkah. I'll also be describing the reader to be a female dwarf (because they don't get enough love) so the reader will be going by the name Cadash.


Fluffy, white, flakes of snow sprinkled down from the sky above and piled itself one by one on to the concrete of your balcony. Every now and again a gust of wind will sweep some of the frozen water through the open glass door's. Though, it never lasted long as the raging fire from the hearth soon snuffed out the droplet's.

For once, in the castle, thing's were quite and time seemed to stand still as you sunk deeper into the pillowed cushion's of the plush, white couch. You let out a relaxed sigh, soon followed by Josephine's to mimic your's.

"I can't stop thinking about your duel in Val Royeaux," she muttered into your shoulder. "Running into the middle of the crowd, the noise, the sword's flashing...I was so worried for you, but at the same time...well, it was the most exiting thing I've seen in ages." She looked up at you from under her thick, dark, lashes.

"You do remember what this Inquisition has been doing, don't you?" You couldn't help but to tease.

"Allow me to correct myself: the most exciting thing I have seen that didn't threaten to stop my heart," Josie said as she sat up a bit on the couch. A moment of silence passed before see spoke up again, "you know, when I first laid eye's on you back at Haven, I hadn't an inkling we'd become so close." She then snuggled closer to your body.

"At least tell me your breath was stolen away by my incredible beauty."

Josephine laughed before replying with, "you are too much. These moments seem so dear. Especially given your greater calling. Sometime's I must remind myself I'm required to share you with the rest of the world."

"Hang the world. It can survive without the Inquisitor and Josephine now and then."

"For now....I very much agree." Your lip's then met her's once more, left arm pulling her closer to you as the right went to grab the small box you had kept hidden under the couch cushion for a few month's, waiting for this moment.

Much to Josie's confusion, your broke the kiss, and her grey eye's grew in surprise as you got down on one of your knee's and held the small box out to her.

"Now, I know I should have waited for (Christmas/Hanukkah), but seeing as how I almost just lost you to some noble- I can't let this opportunity fly, Josie...will you marry me?" A rainbow of emotions washed over the ravenettes face: shock, confusion, glee, and excitement before she vigorously nodded her head. Before you could even properly put the ring onto her finger, her arm's went around you and her lip's caressing your face all over.

However, just as quickly had she been on you, did she pull away.

"Meet me in my room in approximately ten minute's." Not even waiting for a response from you, did she run off.


"When I said for you to come to my room in ten minutes, I meant it," Josephine said with a glare, her arm's crossed over her chest- which was covered vaguely by a black laced bra.

You smiled sheepishly at her as you scratched the back of your head. "Sorry, Josie, I wanted to take a bath."

"Well, you're here now, come in." She left the door open for you to follow (which you did) into her room before abruptly stopping in the middle, spinning around to face you and pushing you back against the now closed door. Her lip's on you in a moment's notice, like a starving Hinterland bear, as she hastily began unbuttoning your shirt.

Reaching over, you clicked the lock on the door before your hand's returned to her bare hip's and pressed her body closer to your clothed one.

Josephine snaked her arm's around your neck as you stood on your tipsy-toes to reach her better, one of the few problem's with being a dwarf. The room itself felt as if it were getting hotter despite it being winter, but thankfully, Josie took care of the problem as she somehow worked your short, stocky body out of your comfy clothing.

"Mmm, delicious," you muttered into her lips. "You taste like candy."

"Well, that's because I couldn't help myself from snacking on some sweet's while you took your time," Josephine giggled against your lip's as she slowly pulled you backward's to her bed.

The two of you broke apart briefly, but only to strip the rest of the clothing off- leaving it a pile on the stone floor- before Josie laid her bare body onto the bed as you crawled on top of her.

Starting with her breasts, you gently massaged them in a circular motion before leaning down and planting a trail of hot kisses from the center before making your way up her neck, jaw, and mouth.

However, just as you thought you were in control of the situation, a pair of hand's grabbed and squeezed your ass. You let out a gasp of surprise, which earned a laugh from her as she flipped you over so that she could roll on top of you.

"Well," you let out a breathy laugh. "Wasn't expecting that from you Jose's," the chuckle in turn as she rested herself in between you bare leg's.

"You have been working yourself to the brim for the past few year's, it's time you rest for the holiday's."

Her middle and ring finger rubbed against your already wet fold's and you couldn't help but be weaken. Letting out a moan, Josie pushed her finger's past your lob as she caressed your from the inside; all the while muttering sweet nothing's into your ear. Another moan rolled off of your tongue as she began speeding up her movement's, rubbing your body, and planting sweet little kisses all over your shorter form.

You thought you saw star's as you looked into Josie's eye's.

"I love you," you said as if it were the most common thing to say.

"I love you too," she replied without a second thought, and why would she? She knew who she wanted, who she fell in love with, and fully embraced all the burden's that that would come with loving the Inquisitor.


Sorry If I made Josie a little out of character in this chapter, I still have yet to fully play inquisition for myself.

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