Party of four- Leliana/Zevran/Isabela

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The White Pearl was somewhere Leliana would've idly made an effort to avoid in her Chantry Sister days; with its alcohol, whore's, and gambling- it wasn't something that she would've liked to be seen near. But she wasn't a Chantry Sister anymore, those days were over. What was important now was helping the Grey Warden defeat the Blight.

That's why the Maker sent her stumbling into the Warden's arms, or so she told herself. But being here now, beside the Wardens, she found herself wanting to stick around for other reasons. For selfish reasons.

For unholy reasons.....

Leliana bit her lip as a soft haze settled over her, and she once more found herself daydreaming of the most unladylike acts.

"I must say, dear woman, I rather like this change in you."

Leliana was suddenly startled back into reality by the distinct voice of Zevran as he plopped down on the bar stool next to her- two wooden mugs full of fluffed ale in his grasp; which he promptly set down and slid one over to her.

"That's nice, but I'm not sleeping with you." She playfully rolled her soft blues as she took the mug and sipped on the froth- immediately surprised by the concoction. When was the last time she had decent ale?

"Oh, I can think of many other things that we could do other than sleep."

Leliana almost laughed at his response. Almost. As annoyingly persistent as he was, Leliana would've been lying if she said she wasn't at least a little tempted to give in to his offers. It had been a long time since she'd shared the sheets with anyone, and Zevran was a fairly handsome man....maybe things wouldn't be so bad.....

"Oh? Then let's see what's in those trousers." The ginger-haired woman's words surprised even herself as they came out, but once they were out...

"Come, my dear, let us have some privacy for this." Zevran hopped down from the stool and offered the ex-chantry sister his arm as a devilish grin spread across his lips. Leliana's fair features heated up, but truth be told, she was actually kind of excited to be rid of this tension that had been welling up within her.

So without so much as another word, Leliana joined the elf and allowed him to guide her across the tavern to the front desk- presumably to sign in for a private room.

However, they didn't make it far as a voice called out to them from a few table's down. One that Zevran knew all too well...

"And look who we have here. Come to apologize for leaving me bereft of my lord husband and then vanishing without a trace?" At the sound of the woman's voice, both Zevran and Leliana whipped their heads around in the direction of a particularly attractive woman.

This 'particularly attractive woman' was tall with thick curves and a slender waist, with beautifully dark skin, and even darker hair- which cascaded in carrels over her shoulders, all tied off with an outfit that surely would've made any ordinary chantry sister faint.

But Leliana was no ordinary chantry sister.

"You know it was just business, Isabela. Business that turned out well for you, I see-" Zevran spoke as he let go of Leliana and approached the dark-haired woman. "-You inherited the ship, I take it?"

"Hmph. I suppose I never did like the greasy bastard. And the siren treats me far better than she ever did him."

"You two know each other?" Came a fourth voice entering the party, and the three of them all turned to face the Warden in all their Wardenie glory. Leli felt her heart flutter at the sight.

"Indeed. This is Isabela, queen of the eastern sea and the sharpest blade in Llomerryn." Zevran introduced humbly with a curtsy bow before turning to face Isabela. "And Isabela, my dear, you will no doubt be amused to discover that I am traveling with a Grey Warden."

"A Grey Warden? Charmed." An impressed smile turned up Isabela's pierced lips.

"So you are the Captain of a ship?" The Warden observed as they casually clasped their hands behind their back. Impressively keeping their gaze fixated on Isabela's face rather than her lovely...

Leliana shook her head. 'Keep eye contact, common now. You know what it's like to have people stare at your breasts- be respectful. Be respectful!' The ginger repeated in her head.

"Do you have...something else in mind?"

Leliana's eyes instantly snapped back to Isabela's face, now fully at attention with the way she moaned out the question.

"Let's go somewhere private and I you," came the Warden's reply to whatever they were previously talking about that Leli wasn't paying attention to.

"Ooh~ and now you've piqued my interest. It would surely be rude of me to decline such a.....delicious offer."

"Wait- you're going with her?" Leliana interviewed. "I can't let you do this. N-not without me.....uh, keeping an eye on the both of you." Leli's face grew more hot by the second.

"Who am I to deny such a lovely little thing as yourself, my dear? You are welcome to join us." Isabela invited before turning her golden gaze to the blonde elf. "And what about you, Zev? Shall we, for old times' sake?"

"Oh~ Isabela. You and your ridiculous appetites....perhaps we should leave it up to our friend here?" All gaze then fell back onto said 'friend.'

"Isabela wants you, and we shouldn't disappoint her."

Leliana blushed harder.

"Oh my, what have I got myself into?"

"Ah~ that impish smile of yours, Leliana, you little minx....It just gives you away." Zevran threw an arm around Leliana's shoulder before tossing the other over the Warden's.

"Come, my ship is down by the docks, and I am sure you will find my cabins quite....comfortable." The small party then departed from the Tavern- leaving behind a very concerned Alistair, disgruntled Morrigan, disappointed Wynne, and a drunk Oghren- as they followed Isabela onto the ship.

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