Thunder storm- Daddy Blackwall

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I noticed that a parent au was sort of becoming trendy within the fandom, so I figured I'd write a scenario on how I feel Blackwall would be as a father- I may write more chapter's in the future featuring other character's as parents.

I haven't played Inquisition yet (I know, shame on me) so I hope I don't describe Blackwall (or any other character's) to be too out-of-character.

Also, if you guys make any fanart- I'd love to see it. You can wither send it to me through Dm or you can tag me in it on Instagram, Twitter, or even Tik Tok (though, I'd prefer you tag me on Twitter/Instagram) I go by the same username on pretty much every platform, so I shouldn't be too hard to find.


Thunder boomed off in the distance as a crack of lightening lit up the sky for a brief moment, just long enough time for Blackwall's blue gaze to catch sight of the small figure standing in the door way of the Inquisitor's quarter's.

With a deep sigh, the black-bearded man sat up in the bed.

"What do you need now, Alexander?" He immediately winced at his own tone as he quickly looked off to the sleeping woman next to him, praying that his voice wasn't enough to disturb her. Thankfully, the Inquisitor only shifted slightly in her rest.

"Can't sleep," his son's meek little voice answered back as another boom of thunder shook the ground's of Skyhold. "P-Please, Daddy! Lemme sleep with you and Mummy!" Even through the darkness of the room, Blackwall could see the tear's welling up within his son's eye's.

Throwing another side glance at the Inquisitor, Blackwall let out another hefty sigh before patting the space in between the two of them.

"Common, boy." He didn't need to ask twice for the small child to scurry his little butt up there in the space between his father and mother- all the while dragging his special blanky behind him.

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