NSFW Alphabet- Alistair

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A= Aftercare [what he's like after sex]:

The first few times of had sex with Alistair, I imagine this boy is pretty awkward and a bit self-conscious. He'd probably be really worried that you might not have enjoyed yourself or scared that he might've hurt you- but once you reassure him that everything is fine and that he did a good job, he slowly begins to relax and become more comfortable.

It should also go without saying that this boy is a BIG cuddler, and HE WILL smother you in your sleep with his affections. Also, I imagine that Alistair probably produces a lot of heat in his sleep [he is a big guy], so there's almost no need for the blankets when you share a tent with him.

B= Bodypart [what he likes about himself and what he likes about you]:

Alistair has never been one to brag about his appearance, and although he doesn't necessarily believe that he's ugly, he's always been a bit self-conscious that he isn't as attractive as other guys [I mean, the guy loses his virginity to you]. But if Alistair had to pick one part of himself that he thinks is his best feature- he probably says his hair, despite Zevran's teasing.

For you, he'd probably say that he loves every single part of your being; and while that's not a total lie- I feel like whatever your most prominent feature would be his favorite- like if you have a very distinct mole somewhere, or stretch mark's, or if you have very long hair.

C= Cum [anything to do with cum]:

This little virgin boy is probably so easy to make cum- especially since he grew up in a chantry, he was probably on a very strict watch so if he ever even so much as thought about buying a dirty novel- he might as well throw that idea straight out the window.

Alistair isn't naive, even if he sometimes acts like he is, so if he realizes that you get off on him licking up your cum, you can bet that that'll become his new favorite past-time.

D= Dirty secret:

Do you know how I mentioned the idea of Alistair reading a dirty novel? Yeah, well, when he was still training to be a templar he found some dirty novel's within the chantry library and ended up getting caught reading them- after that, he's always been really scared and embarrassed to buy any porno- even though there's some out there that he wants to read. It takes you a while to realize this, but now that you know, any chance you get to drop by a library with an adult's section, you always pick a little something up for Alistair.

E= Experience [does he know what he's doing? What's his bodycount]:

Well, it's obvious that up until this point, Alistair has never been with anyone- but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's doing. He's a fool, but not a complete one and he's very attentive when it comes to your pleasure rather than his own- because as long as he sees that you enjoying yourself, then he's enjoying himself.

F= Favorite position:

I feel like Alistair is pretty willing to try any position at least once, but as a warrior, he's probably not very flexible, so he generally prefers to be on top he also likes being able to see you're face- although, he has no objections to bending you over a desk and taking you from behind [with your consent, of course].

G= Goofy [how playful is he during sex?]:

If you know anything about Alistair, then you already know that he's a total goofball.

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