NSFW Alphabet - Fenris

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A= Aftercare [what he's like after sex]:

If our elven boy seems cold and distant it's not without reason- Fenris has undergone immense torture trauma and brainwashing that any ordinary man would not survive. Despite this, however, it's difficult for him to be sexually physical- no matter how much he may want it.

It's just too over-stimulating at times for him- so sex is sometimes something that the two of you don't have for a while.

B = Bodypart [what he likes about himself and what he likes about you]:

Feris doesn't muck like anything about himself- especially his appearance. With time and love, however, thanks to you he slowly comes out of his shell and learns to appreciate and care for himself.

It starts simple. He may pass his reflection and pause for a second to take himself in, later on, he borrows a small mirror from you and admires his clear face and fairness of his hair. It's a long process and he's still very shy at times when it comes to being around you- but if he managed to end up with the most beautiful/handsome person in the world- then surely he can't be that bad-looking, can he?

As of right now, he thinks his best features are his legs- they're long and slender and look amazing wrapped around you. As for yourself, picking a singular part of your being is unfair - he finds every inch of you attractive!

C= Cum [anything to do with cum]:

It's not every day for the two of you to become intimate, but he takes every chance he can get to cum when having sex with you. It often exhausts and over-stimulates which is one of the major reasons why you guys can go a small while without sex.

D= Dirty secret:

Because of his markings, he doesn't get much of a chance to explore some of his dirtier secrets - although, if you're ever interested, and if the mood strikes his fancy- he would be interested in some tight bondage. Nothing too extreme, of course! The man has had enough trauma with chains, but it is something he's thought about more than he would ever be willing to admit.

E= Experience [Does he know what he's doing? What's his body count?]:

Fenny doesn't remember much of his past before the ritual- only bits and pieces of his sister and mother- so as far as he remembers, you're the only one he's been with.

F= Favorite Position:

He likes being on top. He likes the dominance and power he has over you - it's one of the few moments he allows himself to be entirely and completely vulnerable.

G= Goofy [how playful is he?]:

Fenris is never "goofy or silly" when it comes to sex. Then again, when is he ever playful?

H= Hairy [how hairy is he?]:

If you've read my Zevran fic then you know that I've already gone over the fact that elves don't have body hair.

I = Intimacy [How serious is he during the moment?]:

Fenris is incredibly intimate once he becomes completely comfortable in you're presence. It takes him a long time to trust you due to his past, and understandably so, but once he is- there isn't a thing in the world he wouldn't do for you- or to you for that matter.

If you have a fantasy that you want to try out, he's more than willing to give it a try- as long as it doesn't cross his boundaries.

J= Jackoff [masterbation headcannon]:

He used to masturbate a lot more before he met you, but now that he is with you, he doesn't see much of a point in it.

K= Kink [what is he into?]:

Despite the years and years of degradation and torture, he's had to endure from Danarius- he does like to be tied down... sometimes. The fantasies of being captured, and breaking his bonds to dominate you is one that he'd dreamed about for a while- he's just not too sure how you'd react to the idea of a little role play, so he usually keeps this kind of thing to himself.

L= Location [favorite places to have sex]:

Your bedroom and your bedroom only. It's one of the few places he will and truly feels safe- and the last thing he needs to deal with is being caught with his pants down. Especially in Kirkwall where the enemies quite literally fall from the sky.

M= Motivation [what gets him going?]:

Small touches, kisses and just overall being intimate with you is a huge turn-on for him.

N= No! [What turns him off?]:

Name-calling, hitting, and anything too aggressive frightens him.

O = Oral [Prefence in giving or receiving?]:

The first time Fenris goes down on you he's clumsy and unsure of what he's doing- but with some guidance, he'd eager to please. He much prefers going down on you than you going down on him- it's not that he doesn't enjoy getting head, it's just he gets overstimulated much faster.

P= Pace [Is he slow and sensual? Or rough and hard?]:

He's a bit rough when it comes to sex, but he enjoys taking things at a slower pace.

Q= Quickies:

Like I said before, he likes taking his time, so quickies don't happen very often- if at all.

R= Risk [is he willing to take risks?]:

I would not say that Fenris is a risk taker, he's very calculated in the moves he makes- he has to be otherwise he'd be dead already with the life he's led.

S= Stamina [how long can he go for?]:

He has a lot of stamina for an elf- maybe it's because of his tattoos?

T= Toys:

Fenris is definitely interested in using toys but is often too scared to bring these things up with you - he doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

U= Unfair [does he let you finish?]:

Fenris is very fair. He may be rough in bed but he would never leave you unsatisfied.

V= Volume:

His grunts and grows are typically pretty low so you never have to worry about anyone overhearing.

W= Wildcard [random sexy headcannon]:

Not necessarily sex-related, but Fenny likes to sleep naked. He gets overheated at times and the fabric of clothing stresses him out.

X= X-ray [let's see what's under those clothes]:

According to some fans, Fenris stands at around 5'10 which makes him taller than the average elf.

So with this info in mind, I wanna guesstimate that Fenris' cock would probably be anywhere from 5.16-5.40, which is generally most people's penis sizes.

Y= Yearning [on a scale of 1-10, how horny is he?]:

Despite his whole sensitive issue when it comes to sex, Fenris does have a fairly high sex drive- it's just the exhaustion that comes afterward oftentimes puts him off.

Z= Zzz [how quickly does he fall asleep?]:

Falling asleep has always been a struggle for Fenris, but falling asleep next to you helps. It still takes him about an hour to get comfortable, but that's a lot quicker than it was by himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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