New Girl In Town

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Ok, this is my first glee fanfic! Yay! For this story, Quinn never had a baby, and Rachel is the complete opposite of herself, except for all the solos she gets. 😊 Enjoy my story!

Chapter 1

Rachel walks down the McKinley halls, keeping her books to her chest and her head down. The last thing she wanted was to be slushied, as she heard many other people in the Glee Club did.

Rachel was new to McKinley, and was just a shy nobody that wanted to join glee club.

She quickly found her locker and unloaded everything she needed to get rid of. She grabbed the appropriate books she needed and went to her beginning period classes.

Keeping her head down and her eyes on the floor, Rachel began to wander the crowded halls in search of her classroom.

Everything was going fine, except for all the people bumping into Rachel, until she ran right into someone. She fell back on the floor, her books and sheet music going everywhere.

"Oh my gosh," she groaned, grabbing the persons hand as they assisted her to her feet, "I'm such a klutz-" she cut herself upon looking at who stood in front of her.

It was a boy, but possibly the most gorgeous she had ever laid eyes on before. Well, except every Broadway guy Rachel was obsessed with.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked as he began to pick up her books and papers.

Rachel was in a state of shock for a second before shaking her head and bending down to get her stuff together. She stuffed it in her backpack and stood back up, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The boy stood up, giving her an adorable smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine." She said shyly, almost whispering.

"My name is Finn, by the way. Are you new, because I've never seen you in the halls before." He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Ya, I moved here a few days ago. And my name is Rachel."

"Rachel, hmm, I like that name." A silence fell over the two as Rachel stared at the floor and Finn's eyes scanned her body.

"Uh," he stuttered, "what's your first class?"

"Glee." Rachel whispered, looking up at him.

"So do I, come on. I'll show you where the room is." Finn gave her another smile that caused Rachel to blush.

She followed him down the hall silently, and got in the door just as the bell rang. "Thank you Finn, for joining us." The teacher spat sarcastically.

"Sorry Mr. Schue, I was helping Rachel. Everyone," he stood in front of the class, Rachel in front of him. She instantly became shy as everyone stared at her, and Rachel knew they were judging her. She wanted nothing more then to be at home in her room, being homeschooled again. "This is Rachel..." He trailed off, not catching her last name.

"Berry." She whispered.

"Rachel Berry!" He yelled triumphantly, causing everyone to laugh. "She's auditioning today."

"Good, Finn, sit down," Mr. Schue instructed. "Rachel, you can start whenever you're ready."

She handed her sheet music to the piano guy, and he began to play. "This is a story that I have never told..."

Rachel had been singing Warrior by Demi Lovato for so many years, whenever she felt lost or hurt. Or confused. Or needed some ground. And she was feeling all those things right now. Especially since she was starting this school halfway through junior year. Next year she would be a senior, and that scared.

Pain, Family, and Broadway. (A Glee/ Finchel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now