Chapter 1

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Kaitlynns POV

It was summer of 2014 and I had just finished putting my last box in the moving truck. I was moving for the first time in my whole life. I lived in claymont since birth.

"Hey sweetie are you ready?" My mom ask.

"Yes mom. But can I stay in the house alone for a minute to say my goodbyes to the house?" I ask starting to tear up. I know what you all are thinking 'it's just a house. This will happen to you again some day.' But it's not like that. I have had so many memories with this house. I walk around the house in every room taking my last view of it.

"Sissy come one! I want to see our new house!" My little brother Luke says. He is four years old and IS excited to move.

"I'm coming!" I say. Taking my iPhone out of my pocket. "I'm ready." I tell my mom while buckling my seatbelt. I feel a tear rolling down my check so I wipe it away and put my headphones in and play it again by Luke Bryan comes on.

"We are here!" My mom says as we pull into our new houses drive way. 'It's not that bad' I think to myself as I step out of the car. I tell my mom I'm going to look around the out side of the house because that's where I'll be hanging out by myself a lot. I see a creek next to the house and on the other side was woods. 'Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought' I thought to myself. I decide to go inside and search for my Luke Bryan blanket and pillow. I lay in to floor and go to sleep.


Ok so hey I'm back. I'm sorry this chapter was so short. I delete "first crush turns to forever love" because I didn't like it that much. And I know that it had many typos. But this story won't have that much bc I'm editing and everything. Thanks!

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